He's about 4 to 5 and so far he hasn't peed or pooed in the house and he seems to wake me up in the night if he needs to go out. He seems leash trained, he knows to heal but I haven't been pushing him. He barks when people come by our door and I've asked the neighbors if he nuisance barks during the day, and they said all he does is howl with my other 2 dogs when they hear the sirens.
Thanks for the details. My wife and I are considering a dog right now, actually. We bought a house last year on an acre of land. We have about a 1/2 acre of land fenced with 6 ft fencing and have about a 10 x 60ft patio off the rear side of the house that has full shade during the day.
Our situation would have the dog inside in the evenings and probably outside during the day with a crate/doghouse for shelter.
We have three girls (7,5,3) that are very gentle with pets (we have a fish and a guinea pig, too).
I think our only "thing"/hang-up/hesitation is wondering if we would be around enough, because we're a pretty busy family, you know? I leave for work around 4:30, and some nights we're not back with the kids until 6-8pm. Not a steady-steady, thing, but my wife teaches and my kids have their school things to do. Weekends are pretty chill.
So I'm definitely "cautiously" interested, if that makes sense.