WOW!!! I guess I sort of dropped a bomb and left the room, but this has truely been great reading.
I would love to be able to respond to all of your comments, but not feasible.
I've probably visited 95% of the places listed ... Have not been to Paraguay, Iowa, or Hawaii for instance.
I purposely didn't say much about myself to not influence responses. I am not political or religious, but people who might label me would certainly pick liberal for my social beliefs, ignoring how I might think fiscally. Other than smoking, which I can't stand, I'm not about taking people's rights away, but I won't be championing them for you either. I don't own guns, but if the *#!& ever hit the fan, I'd certainly be looking for one.
Like others, I prefer to be around like minded people, so since my first passion is mountain biking, there's the obvious choices.
Whereever I end up, it must have a "sense of place" (lingo drop for you fellow urban planner/geographers!).
I work in real estate finance on the asset management side, so it would probably be difficult for me to find gainful employment in a rural area. That said, even though I grew up urban, I find myself more and more open to having a little land.
Speaking of growing up ... Since I spent most of my adolescent life in the 80's on a bmx bike, I've always sort of had that California counter culture in my soul. So, SoCal and NorCal would be a dream scenario, but for all of the financial reasons mentioned, that might not be possible. And, the traffic/commute would kill my soul ... A line from the movie Point Break comes to mind - I'll paraphrase ... "All those lost souls inching away on the freeway in their metal coffins" ... Ouch!!!!
Another example is Bend, OR. I've recently spent some time there and I must say I'm drawn to that kind of lifestyle. Big enough town to have access to stuff, and everyone there stays outdoors it seems. But, housing cost is outrageous.
So, I'm trying to narrow down my options by cost of living, sunny/moderate temp climate (open for debate I suppose), access to jobs in my line of work and outdoor adventure mentality. With these parameters, the list dwindles quickly.
Some of you have mentioned places on the east coast that I like (Asheville, NC, and Vermont for instance), but there's just something alluring about the west and every where east seems to have the same weather as Louisville, just a bit more/less snow and a bit colder/milder temps ... The number of sunny days are usually very similar, which is not a good thing ... I definitely need more sun if/when I move.
What I have learned from my search is it's very difficult to just "pick" somewhere to live and then find work. And it's as difficult to just look for a job and "hope" you like the places you can live. And, if money wasn't an option, we'd all probably live close to family and travel extensively to the places we love most of the time.
Anyway, keep the opinions coming, I'm living a little through all of you.