It's more of a gross exaggeration to discourage against the RTT
- My RTT weights around 100lbs.
- You can get an RTT for $1000 Canadian new. I paid C$800 for mine 8 years ago and she's still going strong.
- MPG is negligible except in high winds, but also, the Xterra is shapped like a box, and isn't fuel efficient to begin with.
- Levelling the truck is easy and is not "like calculus"
- The weight on top has never been an issue. I've off-roaded many, many times with it and it was never was a problem.
- My Xterra with stock or with it's modified suspension never had an issue with it.
- High winds and problem. I've watched my neighbours tents collapse on them, while we were high and dry and watching a movie. I've only had an experience once in the 8 years and it was this year with 50km/h winds blowing directly into the front of the RTT, making it want to close. A strap from the ladder to the truck/trailer should resolve that fluke.
I don't agree with the article because it exaggerates to put down the RTT to make his own setup seem that much better, which would be if cost much less, and not marginally less then a real RTT. But you also don't need to downplay the RTT setup, it's not for everyone. Everyone likes to camp in their own way and fashion.