Best tablets for navigation?

LR Max

Local Oaf
In regards to size, I have a 10" tablet.

Around the house, or sitting or whatever, its quite nice. However for travel, its pretty big. If I was using a tablet everyday on the train or mounting it in my truck, then a 7" would be the way to go.

If you are thinking about a tablet for navigation, do what I did and download nav software to your smart phone, mount it to your window and see how you like it. Turns out, I don't like it. I prefer my ye olde garmin to a smart solution (apparently I'm backwards, such is life). On the flipside, maybe it is right for you. Either way go buy the awesome window mount at staples for your smart phone, download a mapping app, and see what happens. You are only out $30 for a piece of equipment you probably already need.


If you are thinking about a tablet for navigation, do what I did and download nav software to your smart phone, mount it to your window and see how you like it. Turns out, I don't like it. I prefer my ye olde garmin to a smart solution (apparently I'm backwards, such is life). On the flipside, maybe it is right for you. Either way go buy the awesome window mount at staples for your smart phone, download a mapping app, and see what happens. You are only out $30 for a piece of equipment you probably already need.

great advice! that's exactly what i did - i had an old original droid that i used for a while in the rig to see how i would like it. my initial reaction was to keep my garmin, however when it died unexpectedly and i was forced to give the app-based gps an in depth try, i was soon sold on it and ended up getting a tablet and never replacing my garmin.
I just bought the new Google Nexus 7.

But. I'm still lost as to where to start on the navigation front. We leave on August 10 for 16 days of back country touring in NM, CO, UT, ID, WY, CO, and back to NM... and I don't have the time to necessarily go through the multitude of apps to pre-test them before we head out. I'd like to think that google maps styled maps should work well enough. UGH too many options...


oruxmaps,(free) then load in the garmin maps (also free) for the states your going through. That way your covered wherever you go with out having to cache anything. I use it all the time and it works really well. It doesn't do turn by turn, or any real road navigation though.


Automotive Artist
I like the idea behind Scenic Map and Navigon. The maps and databases are a one time download so you don't have to screw around with pre-downloading. I also like Avenza for the ability to directly compare to the paper maps.

I never got used to Motion X, particularly the downloading bit so take my opinions with a grain of salt.


I tried a Galaxy Tab 3 a couple of weeks ago and ran into issues with GPS not being able to see satellites behind the window of my LR3. I didn't have a Bluetooth GPS puck, which I think is my next shot to see if it works. I was using the USAMaps app which is so so, but easy.


Thanks! I know my windshield has fine defrost wires in it so it must be the culprit...have to find a decent GPS puck now to mount outside


I think we had to discuss here - how and where to travel.

When you plan to travel more abroad at sample on the silk road or crossing africa - a normal road based map would be not that helpful.

Pretty easy is a Ipad based (offline) solution:
Ipad for Road Navigation
Ipad for Offroad Navigation (Bing Satellite & Hybrid Map)

There is no GPS-Device arround who can top such a setup.

Also when you had a much stronger solution with a windows based tablet - it is not easy to optain satellite Images for offline usage at sample.

With a Windows Device you have more tools for navigation, but you had to spend more time to "learn" how to do it. With the Ipad it is pretty easy.

You can also use your Ipad as USB Stick and swap Files between your devices: use your Ipad as Storage

This works with any iPad with 3G and also with any iPhone. If you travel with an iPad (normal/mini) - you can use your iphone as failover device.

We had used this setup for our transafrica - and it had worked well! We had downloaded for the whole route the bing satellite hybrid imagery from Zoomlevel 3-14. Hybrid means that it is the satellite view with also the roads layer.

Some get the cheaper non 3G iPads and use external GPS devices.. You can do that but it is not necessary. We had used the 3G Version.

With Android you can too use an App for Road Navigation - and look for Locus Pro as Offroad Navigation.

The problem with any solution is, that Google and also Bing don`t want that we are able to download huge areas - the App Programmers have had to close that function in many cases...

Also with MotionX it was the case. Lucky you, when you don`t have updated that App. If you buy the App now - or have updated to Version >19.1 you had to jailbreak your device, to download an iPad Version of MotionX at Version 19.x or lower - that is also not so easy (but only necessary if you want huge areas of satellite images for off road navigation)....

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I just completed a pretty remote trip and relied heavily on the iPad for navigation, primarily displaying topo maps. I was kind of against such a huge device for nav, but given how remote we were, the larger screen and available detail was super valuable.

What app/software/hardware did you use for the iPad?

jimi breeze

jimi breeze
I use a ipad mini (wifi only) in conjunction with the Garmin Glo GPS receiver. They work great!
The apps I use are; You Need a Map, Topo Maps, Google Maps, and AllStays


Founder of D.E.R.P.
Hey all,
Just checked out the Tab 3's instore tonight. I will say that the resolution on the 8 and 10 inch versions is much better than the 7.


Delorme InReach, Delorme maps (free with InReach) combined with a Google Nexus 7 tablet for me. I have spent way too much money chasing GPS solutions over the last few years. This combo actually works. And my wife and I can text each other off the Delorme as well via satellite. Very nice system.

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