Bicycle Movies


I searched and didn't find anything.
I'm thinking ahead, winters coming and having a list of cycling related movies to keep the motivation going would be great. Some of us don't live in AZ (yet) so it takes a little more drive to rollout in the rain in Jan. I've seen quite a few over the years, but seem to remember only a couple.

The ones I remember:
-"The Flying Scotsman". A story about Graeme Obree. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.
-Of course we've all seen "Breaking Away" and "American Flyer", kind of hard to stomach those two now, but they were great in their time.
-The classics " A Sunday in Hell" and "Stars and Watercarriers", which reminds me, I better find a VHS player so I can watch those again.

Any other cycling movies?

Cheers! Hope you're creating memories!

Jay H
huskyfargo beat me to it with the RAD comment.

I was lucky enough to catch a film called man zou at the last over land expo in Amado as part of the adventure films festival. Its amazing, just makes you want to load your gear grab the bike and go.

Of the extreme riding films category any thing by the collective is great. There way better done and more thoughtful than the kranked series.


well depends on the type of "cycling" ROAM by the collective is wicked, and its kind of properly themed, SEASONS also by the collective is pretty good if your into the freeriding scene, one of my favorite riding quotes comes from ROAM

On a bycicle, you can travel a great distance in a short period of time, or a short distance in a great period of time, its not about the destination, its about a rider, and a bike


Fixer & Builder of Things
I've got a mess of modern cycling dvd's, but my favorite is the mid 1990's classic Tread w/ Greg Herbold and Hans Rey. Takes me back to the golden age of mtb'ing every time I watch it!

Retread wasn't that good, in my opinion.

Rad was sweet. "Hell Track" w/ the cereal bowl obstacle! Multi-lap endurance bmx racing, none of this 30 seconds stuff.



Expedition Leader
Are you looking for something to watch while on the trainer?? I like the DVD's of major races like the Giro or TdF, the footage of the Paris Robaix are always good as well, especially the Sean Kelly years.


Has anyone here seen this movie:

It appears the only way to see it is buying the DVD or being lucky enough to watch at a public viewing. I would like to see it, but it seems I won't find it at my neighborhood DVD store. Any body seen this and how? What did you think of it?

Happy Holidays!


Has anyone here seen this movie:

It appears the only way to see it is buying the DVD or being lucky enough to watch at a public viewing. I would like to see it, but it seems I won't find it at my neighborhood DVD store. Any body seen this and how? What did you think of it?

Happy Holidays!

Have not seen it. It came out the year we crewed RAAM and there was some positive buzz about it. Thanks for the reminder; it's going on my Christmas list.


Have not seen it. It came out the year we crewed RAAM and there was some positive buzz about it. Thanks for the reminder; it's going on my Christmas list.

Looks like I will have to put it on my list as well.
Many years ago I was sitting in on a lecture, basically story telling. One of the story tellers just finished the RAAM, one of the first, so it was a few years ago. Our minds go into survival mode when we are sleep deprived, physically drained, hungry and the hallucinations can be pretty trippy. I've had a few on my more strenuous trips. Having a conversion with a Sasquatch was one. I *think* it was a hallucination! Anyway, this guys was a good one. He rode the race with the confidence that if he had his helmet on he would be OK, because is support crew had the remote that controlled him through his helmet. When the van would pull along side he would ask to make sure they still had the controls! Fascinating stuff! Looking forward to seeing this movie!


Watched BMX Bandits on Netflix the other day. I don't know why I watched the whole thing (I think it was one of Nicole Kidman' first movies). Highly unrecommended.

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
A Ride With George Hincapie
Road to Roubaix
Chasing Legends
Hell on Wheels
... and pretty much any Tour of Flanders or Paris-Roubaix since '03.

Actually, I own the majority of the World Cycling Productions catalog, with the exception of the TDF videos. They just never did it for me. My trainer sessions are pretty much narrated by Paul and Phil.

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