All in all did it work out well with the (future) in-laws? Great on them for being willing to camp out for a week like that. Did you guys use 2 tents?
You mention lots of gear prep in advance of the trip, any thoughts on what will get changed now with experience?
In-laws were great

They really enjoy this sort of stuff and do a lot of skiing and golfing. In fact, they have just bought a campervan in England to tour around in when they aren't soaking up the sun in Australia. Which, they have kindly offered us the use of any time we please :victory:
We Borrowed a tent from Bryan and Angela (which we need to give back! oops...) and the lin-laws slept on an airbed in the back of the Land Cruiser. Worked very well in the end as we really didn't have any problem weather to contend with.
In terms of gear. We NEED a fridge! We did the entire trip with a cooler. It is a very very good one, and was kept frozen solid for the first three days with dry ice, but we had to resort to 'wet' ice after that. The trouble with a fridge is we need a RTT as we can't sleep in the back anymore. Quite a commitment in $$ for a fridge and RTT in one go... Time will tell.
I picked up 6 pelican cases just before we left, and a waterproof bag for the rack. Completely invaluable. I love knowing I can leave all my gear outside and never have to worrow about it getting wet or dusty.
I loved the ARB awning - Even though we used it once. It's so easy and sturdy.
My modified Zodi Extreme left a little to be desired. I'm hoping it's my crappy shower head connection but we just couldn't get a lot of pressure. Tell you what though - the shower makes a HUGE difference on an extended trip like this (no shower facilities within an hour of the Chisos campsite) and makes for clean and happy campers. We were also pleased with the Orzak shower tent, for $35 you can't go wrong. Held up well to strong winds too. Could be wider at the shoulders but that is the only complaint.
The BajaRack and the Cook Partner stove are just brilliant
great photos, and i can't believe you lugged that heavy tent up the south rim! we had a great time, hope to see you guys next trip
I'm not going to lie - it was a long 3 hours! :sombrero:
Haven't I seen you two at my REI store recently (Westheimer)? You do seem familiar! I work in the camping department. Stop by anytime you need gear!
Hi Stephanie - Holly is on the left and I'm in the middle in that picture and yes I'm sure you would have run into us recently. We seemed to be at REI every other night for a while there! Next time we come in we'll see if we can find you
Great pics, Ash. You are wetting my appetite for our upcoming trip down there! Thanks also for the info about the overnight hike. I think we will have to make some time to do that...
Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to traveling with you guys again in the future!
Let me know if you want the details to the Casa Grande hike (scramble) - I reckon that would be a brilliant climb to the top and not something most people do (or even know you can climb).
And to everyone else - thank you for the kind words! Your replies made putting the trip report together totally worth while