Big Suburban for a Big Texan

mike the welder

Thanks, it took me a few months of looking before I found it.

Well I finally received all the parts to fix the coolant leak. (note to self, if I ever meet the engineer that designed the heater hose system, Punch Him!)
Installed new bypass valve, tee fitting, Y fitting and heater hoses. I also flushed a bunch of crude out of both front and rear heater cores
before assembly. Everything works great and the heat is really hot now.

Plenty of room to work with the air breather and coolant tank removed.

The whole tee fell apart when I took off the clamp.

Assembled everything before I installed it.

mike the welder

I have most everything to build the console but, I started a project for a customer fabricating a bunch of custom gates and I'm coming up on finals in school. I am almost finished with the sound deadening and new carpet install which has to be done before the console anyway. I have 4 weeks off from school over the holidays so I hope I can get allot done.


nice looking rig! I had one just like it. same color too. I made my own console similar to what you are working on. I made a cardboard mockup that looked very much like yours. I made it out of plywood then bedlinered it and painted it to match the dash. I don't think I have any pix of it anymore but it turned out pretty nice. I also had the exact same heater hose issue! keep it up, im excited to see the finished product!

mike the welder

So I've been working on the interior the last few days, except yesterday because it rained all day. I thought I would have it done by Sunday, but maybe Tuesday because I have classes on Monday.

Didn't find anything to weird when I removed the seats.

Very cavernous without most of the interior.

After the sound deadening install in the cargo area.

New cargo area carpet.

I had to crawl under the burb to undo some bolts the previous owner had installed thru the floor and when I crawled out from under the burb this little phucker was inside my shirt.
If I could have filmed myself yelling and jumping around trying to get him out of my shirt it would have gotten millions of hits on youtube.

mike the welder

Well not much progress on the Burb, but this has been a stellar week on the education front. Got an "A" in my Advanced Blueprint class, got a "B" in my Metallurgy class and passed My "Technician Class" Armature radio license test this morning. However there is no rest for the studious, winter break class starts Monday morning. A 16 week class crammed into 21 days. Hopefully with only one class for the next month I can at least start the center console.

mike the welder

Thanks Jim. Maybe next month you can come with me. Questions are word for word the same as the study guide. If you want you can have my Technician study guide I printed out.

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