Thanks for the clarification and taking time to post the pic. I wasnt complaining, I was just confused as to why it seemed like I was getting conflicting answers to the same question. Ill admit.... Im brand spanking new to the van scene....learning as I move ahead with my van conversion. Ive been wrenching on vehicles since I was old enough to drive but also will admit I have little experience with suspension related modifications. I wasnt teying to call anyone out on giving the wrong info, just trying to make sure I know what I need to know before choosing tires.
I originally planned on going the 5" lift route but would have to wait untill tax time to do this and even then....I still really cant afford to drop several grand on a lift and then turn around and need new tires.
Being a welder/fabricator I figured I could save some money by trimming...even if it was somewhat extreme but if im still going to run into issues then maybe ill hold off for a while. The 2" leveling kit seems like an option but read it throws camber off.
I appreciate the input from everybody!
everything you do with regard to the I beam suspension throws camber off. thats what they make camber shims etc for.
i did a home brew leveling kit on mine, a set of moog springs, some bilstein shocks, and an alignment, raised the front of me E150 1.75" allowed 265/70-16 tires to clear without any issue, mind you mine is a 150, so its lower still.
i was fighting a steering wheel shimmy i didnt like, not sure what the problem was, so i hooked up with jeremy at weldtec and went the 4" full suspension system, MUCH improved ride over stock, and no steering wheel shimmy.
im not sure what the shimmy was, jeremy experienced it, but couldn't give me any feedback as to why. could it be his modified radius arms with more caster? could it be i had a crappy alignment before? it could still be there, but masked by his steering dampener kit? i dunno.
if you're looking for biggest (tallest) then a 235/85-16 will go on with stock wheels, and a leveling kit. with the 4" kit, my next tire set will be 255/85-16 which is a bit over 33" and while it may rub, ill have have to wait and see. cuz i JUST put these 265/70-16's on like 1500 miles ago.