Buggy's aren't going away, and buggies aren't the problem. Most people know I like to run harder trails with my jeep (33" tires and all). Give me a good 4.0 or a 4.5, and I'm happy. I rarely see buggies on these trails as they are too easy for them....so they go somewhere else. There are trails suitable for them. Of course we rarely see these trails because what makes them suitable for the buggies makes them unsuitable for us....we simply don't go there. IMO, there needs to be trails for them. If there is a place for them to go do thier thing, they will go there. Imagine what it would be like if we closed down Glamis. We would have sand rails all over the desert looking for their kicks....give them a place to go, and they will go there. You will always have that small group of individuals who stray from the mainstream croud and do stupid things....and we need to enforce our laws to protect the enviroment from them. They are the problem. the 1%. The ones who ruin it for the rest of us. Without education for the people who don't know better (particularly the 16 - 24 year olds who have way too much testosterone in their bodies), and enforcement for those who simply don't care, then it won't get any better.
Scott, you bring up a great point about the lack of clubs, which equates to lack of leadership and role models for younger 'wheelers. It seems that every run I go on is with a different group of people...all loosly associated through a few websites. In fact, I can't recall the last time I went 'wheeling with someone that I did not initially meet via the internet.
Back to buggies.....For every buggy I see off the trail, I see at least 10 stock or near stock vehicles off the trail trying to get around a obstical that they either don't like, or cant get through. The problem is not the buggys, it is the ************** driving vehicles off the trail. FWIW, it is currently illegal to operate a uninsured, unlicensed vehicle on any public road. It is illegal to drive any vehicle off of a designated road or trail. Creating a sticker program will accomplish nothing. What needs to happen is enforcement of existing laws. If and when the enforcement of those laws proves inefficient, then, and only then, should more laws be considered. Much like gun laws....new laws make no sense if you can't even enforce the ones you already have. If we take the mentality that new laws will solve the problem, then we will legislate our passtime out of existance.
And lastly, just to clarify a point: The problem I have with BB's article is the manner in which it is presented, and the stereotypes he is enforcing. His message is correct at the core....there is a problem and we need to deal with it.