I think they call the black and white look the storm trooper look,and I love it
Wanted that look for mine but it is white on silver,and I don't trust my spraying skills enough to be durable enough to not all flake off on the first branch I hit
Yeah... the stormtrooper theme was in the works from the get go....

Hense the avatar! Started with my Fiero and now has flowed to the Sport...
Durability... if you prep right and sand well before you paint, it will hold up well. But the branch is always going to win...
Honestly I'm not 100% happy with the nose. I was too rushed... I had planned to have Saturday and Sunday, but quickly half my Saturday was taken from me and Sunday was taken as well. Nothing like satrting at 1p on Saturday and going straight till 10AM Sunday. Yep the transformation took almost 24hours straight!
I will probably sand and redo it. I wanted the black lines crisper then they came out on the nose. I put on the white and then taped it to add the black. I knew the white was going to be more layers then the black, so I figured it was better to do black last. Plus black covers white better then white covers black... but... I should have done it in the reverse. The clear did not take kindly to taping. Now that I know I can actually get a decent result with the rattle can... I'm not as afraid to try again. A redo will in actuallity really help fill in all the pits and cracks anyway! I really needed to work more with the primer to fill them, but as I said. my time got stollen.
The plan now is to let it harden and then see what buffing it does to the clear first. See if it will fix some of the oopsies. IF not a good sanding down to the primer will actually help it.