Black Friday Ambo


Expedition Leader
Yeah, and then you'll ride around smelling like french fries and have every critter in the woods chasing you! And, I know you saw the hot tub...when you gonna get one of those? :)


Lol well these are the risks you take. Here's the video that started the madness years ago...

Here is a look at another source of inspiration. Clearly these guys are wasting space like crazy with their setup, Most of this could be housed under the rig, or in a small door by the wheel well or something. Plus changing the filters INSIDE the ambo!? No thank you!

If I go with a system it will have a filtering system I can bring with me. I don't have a space to do all the filtering and store oil right now, so anything I use will be what I can make on the road anyway.

I did note the hot tub. Also the copious amounts of room those boys had to put toys that I cant possibly fit!


Heat. Finally. Thank God!

It has been brutally cold, which made the rest of the heater install a misery. I have only been able to work for small periods before having to leave and warm up.

After throwing a little bit of a fit the heater finally pulled fuel from the tank and is roaring. Literally it is about 80% louder than I was expecting. The fuel pump is the single loudest element. I may move it somewhere outside the vehicle as suggested after all. The exhaust pipe was smoking for the first few minutes which caused me to panic a bit, I have no idea how work the 7 day timer and tell it to turn off yet!

Power is fed directly off the house bank. This was done under the assumption that any time I want the heater I will also want as much power as possible off the starting batteries. The unit will kill itself if the battery is getting too low to start though, so you could run it off the starters. For most ambo builds the house batteries will be closer and more appropriate though.

Here's a look at the unit. The seat will be reinstalled in a few minutes when I can feel my fingers and toes again. Hopefully the seat will muffle the clicking of the fuel pump. (As I am writing this more of the air is working itself out of the line and it is quieting down on its own though.)

I couldn't find a louvered cover that I liked so I used shower drain grates. These won't get bent up and look ugly like the ones for my stock rear heater.


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Expedition Leader
Is that located under the CRP seat? Nice, neat installation. I hope it works well and keeps you warm.

I think it's funny how most of the Ambo builders on here are worried about getting adequate heat and don't really care about A/C, and I'm more concerned with having good A/C and not worried about heat. But, you know what they say in Real Estate...location, location, location!


Yup! It will eventually also house my coolant heater.

Everything is back in place. Sitting on the CPR seat I I can't hear the pump anymore and the sound of the unit is greatly diminished.

I am noticing that as soon as I sat down the compartment started to warm up. I will probably install another vent between the two for the heater, and another behind the seat cushion to let warmth from the flexible duct escape.

The controller and temperature sensor are mounted on the switch panel.

Now a few hindsite is 20-20 items:

Sit down over a beer and make your own simplified wiring diagram when installing the controller. the one provided shows wiring for multiple controllers when you only need one. It makes a confusing mess of what is really 5 color coded wires.

If I had simply flipped the unit 180° I could have flush mounted it to the wall because the other side of the wall is the space left for the fuel tank fill, not the side compartment as I initially thought. Final install and tightening all the clamps would have a little more annoying, but way less work otherwise.

If I had installed the unit "flipped" the duct would be pulling cold air and all the heat would be transferred directly into the box without any heat loss. The unit would need to be sealed to the vent very well however, which was a challenge with the hardware I had from the PO and available space. However If you were directly exhausting out of the compartment and gave yourself a vent somewhere on the other end of the compartment you could probably skip the duct all together (not reccomended by manufacturer). The negative pressure would be enough to supply plenty of returning air.


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Expedition Leader
I am noticing that as soon as I sat down the compartment started to warm up. I will probably install another vent between the two for the heater, and another behind the seat cushion to let warmth from the flexible duct escape.

Wouldn't it be easier and more efficient to just use insulated flexible duct instead? Or are you building a 'hot seat' to keep the GF happy? :)


The stupid 2 3/8" aka 60mm duct they use is impossible to find without ordering a mile of it or spending an insane amount. I doubt they even make an insulated version in that size.

Also if I were to need AC I would totally use the Espar coolant cooling unit. Maybe even use it to run the fridge too.


Annoying Electronics Phase.....?

Converting to the 03+ Super Duty Towing Mirrors (to gain signal, running lights, power adjust, heat)

I will probably do this without much info here and just start a separate how-to thread as besides a few "yeah it's possible" mentions it hasn't really been documented.


Here they are. They are actually stock red color-matched and plasti-dipped so I will start by breaking them down and painting the housing black. One other thing to note is I scored a pair with the aftermarket LED signals.... seen not fitting properly on one side.... Well they are coming apart anyway!

What will Annoying Electronics Phase.........?+1 be you ask?
Don't. My head might explode.


Expedition Leader

I have a 1999-2006 Super Duty/Excursion Chilton's Manual which has quite a few wiring diagrams in it, so if you have specific questions about something, I may be able to look it up for you.

The manual itself is not the quality they used to be. It's paper back with pages that look like recycle new print, and very small black and white pictures, but the wiring diagrams are OK.


I picked up enough info from the guys doing this on the trucks that I think I am covered. Thanks as always though Pat!

Also I don't care what people say, plasti-dip sucks! Took hours to remove that junk. A razor and scalding water was needed in the end.


Good info! Luckily I was going to sand these down anyway so it wasn't a problem to trash the paint.

Wiring for the running lights and signals were tapped into and run back. Had to sort out a few sloppy previous tapping into jobs and do it all properly. I'm starting to worry about the amount of draw I'm pulling from the front turn signals. Once I install new LED tails the draw will drop back down again though.



I forgot how good satin black Krylon Fusion spray paint looks.

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