Black Friday Ambo


Nice pace on your build project, seems like there's always something happening :)

Mr. D

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Thanks Mr. D! If I don't keep momentum I know a project will stall and MAYBE I'll get back to it someday. The peaks you guys are getting of my disaster zone of a barn tells that story. Also ski season is coming and it's getting cold for camping in the back of the truck.

Tonight's couple hours got the chopped shelf unit transformed into a platform. I'm actually stunned how easy this was and how well it blends in. I'm not sure if the photos will really show where the wheel well ends and the shelf begins.

Here's what I started with. Chopped the top off and relocated one side across to shore up the other and fill the space the seat left.

Test fit: within 1/16". Gee it's like it was made to go there!

Drilled holes in the bed frame and the platform, installed T-nuts so it will bolt from the top, carpeted(totally ran out and had to get creative), and back in place.


So now setting up the bed is pulling the platform out (19"), flipping the switch to extend the bed away from the wall (another ~12"), and flipping the switch to unfold the bed.

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So this week is probably going down as a total loss on the build. Hopefully the weekend will be a little better. Night temps above -2 will have a lot to do with when things pick up. For now I am doing some planning and trying to make sure I have my ducks in a row :)read: working).

I have been going round and round about converting to a walk-through. One of my main reasons for trying to get away from truck camping was a wild night in WV. After having a life changing day on the New River Dries:
I passed out and woke up in a proverbial meth dealership. Somehow no one had noticed me and I managed to sneak out, but I realized I was as powerless as a raccoon in a trap sleeping back there.

As you can see in the photos above I have a reach-through window right now above a set of really nice drawers and a cabinet. They are all solid aluminum tubs and really well made. I am hoping I can find another place to slide them into or I can build a new box for them, but the loss of storage space will be major when cutting them out.

I am also taking the time to start planning my house battery system install, propane system (oven/stove, heater, tailgating BBQ hookup, etc). If anyone has thoughts on either please let me know! I am very worried about how I am going to tie in my battery bank without overloading my alternator and I am really not finding a perfect answer for heat that doesn't involve selling a kidney for a diesel powered heater.

It's probably a pipe-dream but I have also been thinking about trolling junk yards for a van style ambulance I can pull the front of the topper off of to replace mine and get the light slots back.

Oh and of course I have been getting serious about educating myself on 4x4 conversions.

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Sick video!!! What time of year is that?? Are you guys wearing dry suits??

I'll let you know when I am ready for the box swap. If I don't find a suitable donor in the next few months I will probably just swap the box from my idi ambo.

There was a good thread on the sports mobile forum about battery set ups. I think that you can rig 2 alternators on the 7.3's and possibly have two completely separate systems.


That's one sick video! Last time I was having fun in a kayak was on the Bio-Bio back in the early 90's. There's no way we could have done anything like you guys with the boats we had at the time! (Or the skills!)

Wouldn't it be easier to build a new aluminum or fiberglass cover for your topper? Seems like there should be a way to get it to work, maybe a different approach?

Mr. D

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Hmmm double alternators would be perfect! That would really help me stay off the grid and fit the way I will be using the rig best.

I think if I find a high top type 2 ambo on the way to the crusher cutting the front of the top off and transferring it won't be so bad. That or I will suck it up and just get a big led bar. I think that could be sorta cool if I put it up there like it was a box mounted flashing bar.

Spring is typically the magical time of year for paddling. Snow melt combining with rain and very little demand for groundwater by trees and plants means peak flows. We paddle in dry gear, waterproof fabric and gaskets at the neck and wrists.

That video was taken in early/mid march. I used to do a lot of trips south when I was in college. Now I am really loving chasing rain here in NY. Our rivers are the birthplace of the industrial revolution and have a lot of history. There is also just so much to explore and so many man made features we still aren't totally sure what's out there.




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I thought ambos all had the dual alt set-up? My van has a sticker stating "single alt. NOT for Ambo conversion" on the "b" post. Thank 60 minutes and a few fires for that. Remember?

Sent by wing, prayer & ATT
Hmmm double alternators would be perfect! That would really help me stay off the grid and fit the way I will be using the rig best.

I think if I find a high top type 2 ambo on the way to the crusher cutting the front of the top off and transferring it won't be so bad. That or I will suck it up and just get a big led bar. I think that could be sorta cool if I put it up there like it was a box mounted flashing bar.

Spring is typically the magical time of year for paddling. Snow melt combining with rain and very little demand for groundwater by trees and plants means peak flows. We paddle in dry gear, waterproof fabric and gaskets at the neck and wrists.

That video was taken in early/mid march. I used to do a lot of trips south when I was in college. Now I am really loving chasing rain here in NY. Our rivers are the birthplace of the industrial revolution and have a lot of history. There is also just so much to explore and so many man made features we still aren't totally sure what's out there.




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Is that the Black? I spent a majical day on the Rt 3 wave about 15 years ago - when we came off the river after hours of surfing, there was a microbrew van with taps on the side giving out free beer!

That was in the time before kiddos! Long time ago! B


Nope, those are high water waves at the bottom of the Mohawk just as/before it dumps into the Hudson(Rt 3 is only 3 feet tall) Albany has an insane amount of congestion points, water and gradient for big waves.

Rt. 3 was a stop for the pro tour in 2007, and after that a rock slide down from the slag that was blasted for the damn or bridge upstream that killed it. They pulled it out with a crane, but the shelf was damaged and it wasn't the same. Rocks have continued to move in and ruin it. Hole Bros has been getting better and better over time though.

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Well I hit overtime so it was time to come home and get back to work. Turned the dinky little heater on, found a notebook and a pencil to start planning out some ideas.... And then just tore it all apart.



Found a lot of wiring, and you will still have to duck to get in, but this could be really cool!

One thing I am disappointed about is it is going to be a lot harder to keep warm in here now. I will have to find/make a sliding door or something

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Well it was a lot more involved than just a 3/4" sheet of plywood.

Started by pulling back the carpet in the cab and removing the window. I found tacked in aluminum bar and a sheet of 1/4" plywood slapped over the pass- through.





Tomorrow I'll replace the carpet and wrap it through the pass through to cushion any bumps. After some insulating I'll rebuild that wall too

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Well I saw a number of people saying it was as simple as removing 3/4" plywood. Unfortunately this was not the case for me. It does appear that my box was made to be a walk through and was later converted to meet the client's specs. I would assume this is the norm.

The box had a doorframe made from bar stock and sheet aluminum. I went ahead and cut everything out down to the box frame itself.

Here's a peak from the passenger seat.

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So I'm still concerned about heating the larger, less insulated area. In that spirit I decided to grab a roll of R30 insulation and pack it into the un-insulated wire chase going down the center of the box. (I have been watching the snow melt in a perfect outline of the wire chase and the framework of the roof.) While I was there I got the top of the front and back of the box where it wasn't insulated.

With the bit I had left over I decided to have a look above the headliner in the cab.



Hmm bits of black foam and fiberglass. That won't do.


Now back to this doorframe. It seemed silly to have to scrunch my shoulders on the way through and the little bit of wall on the passenger side was going to be annoying to have to skin.... So I cut that out too.


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