Evening shift is awesome! Finally working in the daylight!
So seeing as the polar vortex is coming back and temps are about to plunge it is now or never for the adhesive curing temps to get the wall carpet replaced. However once again ADD took the reins and I went on a wild tangent of things that could/should be done to make things easier later.
As I was pulling the carpet out it became apparent that the side walls were 1/2" plywood and had a very hollow echo when knocked on the passenger side, but not as much on the drivers side. I couldn't help myself, so off the headliner and panels came.
Passenger side
Driver side
WOW!!! So that's were all the wiring was channeled! The larger lines are actually the coolant lines for the box heater. Awesome! Now I have a bunch of work to do before putting it all back to run my lines for the house batteries to everything else, and resolve ghetto- rigged turn signal lines running under the ambo. Score!
It is too bad I am not a fab guy and I can't bump out the steel expansion piece to make closets or something, there is a lot of wasted space inside the fiberglass.
One decision I have now is do I keep all the step handles into the rig or take the chance to unbolt them? I know my dad and vertically challenged girlfriend would like them to stay. (Input greatly appreciated)
Here they are:
For now I removed the floating wall behind the passenger side front cabinet and the 4" sheet to shed weight and have a peak at the space I am sacrificing to keep the cabinet.
4" from the wall box. Not sure yet, but it is looking like I may tear the box out and put the shelves in the corner facing out. I am definitely insulating that wall though! It is freezing to the touch.
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