Dolomiti: That's a nice looking 1st gen Monty you've got there!
Okay, I gotta ask: Why?
Yes, I know it looks "salty," and I see a lot of jeeps (both Wrangler and XJ) with this mod around here, but IMO it is asking for trouble. A high lift jack weighs 25 or 30 lbs (or more) depending on length. The sheet metal on the hood is not very thick. With two mounting points you are asking that sheet metal to hold a lot of weight it's not really designed to hold. And think about this: When you start bouncing up and down on the trail, that weight will be magnified by quite a bit. I would imagine that stress cracks and/or dents would appear pretty quickly if you actually went off road with such a setup.
And do you really want to think about what might happen if you get into a collision and that hood mounted high lift comes crashing through the windshield?
If you need to mount a high lift on the outside of the vehicle, I would think there are better places to do it. The 1st gen Monty has a very stout steel bumper (I know how thick it is because I drilled mine to mount some fog lights on it.) It would make a decent mounting point from a strength perspective. Ditto for the rear bumper.
If you have or plan to get an ARB or TJM style bullbar, you could also mount the high lift to the top of the bull bar (though I would, again, have concerns about what happens to it in event of a front-end collision.)
Finally, there are at least a couple of companies that make high-lift mounts that will work on the spare tire, mounting the high lift either in front of or behind the spare.
The hood mounted high lift is a fairly recent trend in off-road vehicles and it always strikes me as a bit of a "poser" move, as if it's being done to "show off" the high lift, not to make it more accessible or usable (because it is neither.) Whenever I see one I always

and think "Mall crawler."