DesertRose said:
Keep us posted on this - I just got a link on them, and they look really brilliant.
How can Microsoft / Intel stop this product? Am I missing something here, they are Linux OS.
They can stop it the same way Ford can stop the Vespa scooter. They are aimed at different markets. Remember Bill Gate's vision is a "Computer in every home running Microsoft software", or something close to that. I shouldn't have used quotes but deleting takes soooooo much work. Where as OLPC is looking at, well, one laptop per child. I liked the buy one get one model you also used, Rosanne (even though I didn't get one because I've got more flashlights than I can use) as a means for us greedy "what's in it for me" people to help distribute needed goods to people who can really use them.
Anyway, it's not meant to compete, it's meant to get useful technology into the hands of the next generation who will hopefully make a better impact on helping their countries, ummmm, improve? Not quite the right word. But close.
They have an update page here . It's pretty cool to see the real problems they are having and how they are getting fixed.