Bradshaw Trail...February 6th,7th,8th,and,9th


Well-known member
Totally respect your decision. Now post your cell number so we can call you and tease you from somewhere along the trail....
or request a rescue! LOL

Naw, I'll have my SPOT.

It's 1-900-.... opps wrong number. :ylsmoke:

It was a very hard call to make and I truly hope for everyone who is going that the weather forecast is totally wrong.

I was caught once where we came into camp late evening with rain in the forecast. Woke up the next morning on the wrong side of the wash, which was now a 40' wide river. Had to wait 3 hours for the level to drop enough to try crossing and in hindsight, we should have waited longer. Kind of weird to have the truck moving diaganal across the water. Ah, the young, dumb days of past. :elkgrin:

Side benefit, since we already have the time off, I think we are heading to Vegas to see some good friends, so it won't be a total waste.

Have fun!


Hey There,
I am sure we will meet up sometime on the trail.

Weather Forecast Update:

We will most likley get a 50% chance of rain on Saturday (This will occur on the western half of the trail near Mecca according to accuweather, weatherunderground,, and and Sunday through Monday will be partly sunny (less than a 15% chance of rain and partly cloudy according to the sites I listed above) because the tail end of the system will be leaving California.

I know nwoods is in. Can I get a quick roll call of those that are still going?

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Sounds good....keep the roll call coming.

I am going to bring an EZ up to cook under Saturday night.


In. I haven't been in a good rainstorm camping since I got flooded out of Death Valley a few years ago and ended up at a bordello in Nevada with my young son. That's the teaser- I'll tell you the story over adult beverages on Sat. night.


Whoa...that's going to make a great story.


Does anyone want my cell number?



Expedition Leader
Yeap, NWoods and CBradley are in. 2 trucks, 5 souls onboard.

Loaded out the truck last night in a break in the weather. Between the two of us, I have 6 bundles of fire wood in dry ActionPacker boxes.

Sat down last night and started to look at the trail maps I have. My Backcountry Adventures has a great writeup and LOTS of GPS coords, any my Tony Huegel "California Desert Byways" book has it covered too. Even my free AAA map has it well demarcated.

Sounds like there are a number of interesting detours. I'd like to check out Indian Wells (underground well with steps carved into the rock by indian women according to the BA book), and then Red Canyon sounds cool. Ladder Canyon (slot canyon) in Painted Canyon sounds interesting too. At the east end, there is a private Opal mine you can pay admission to go visit, and then of course, the Geode beds. I will probably need to revisit this area in more detail in the future!


Expedition Leader
Trail Comms?

What are we using for trail comms?

I have a pathetic CB set up, marginal at best, lots of FRS radios, and HAM (2m/77)


Probably CB...Bruce is going to let me borrow his extra one.

As far as what you want to go and see...when you meet tomorrow morning we can go over what we want to see. Red Canyon is first up because it is first on the trail. We can stop to take a picture under the trestle as well. From there it's open wide!

I would like at least 3 hours at the geode beds. I plan on digging deep.



What are we using for trail comms?

I have a pathetic CB set up, marginal at best, lots of FRS radios, and HAM (2m/77)

Sounds like you guys got the fire wood covered. As for trail comm, all I have right now is FRS radios. I will see if I can find a CB from one of my friends.


Expedition Leader
As for trail comm, all I have right now is FRS radios. I will see if I can find a CB from one of my friends.

I've got 7 FRS radios packed into the truck at the moment (hold overs from many New Member Orientation club runs). We could easily just use FRS if that works. We'll sort it out on Saturday morning.

Whose bringing the doughnuts?


I have FRS or CB.

We need lots of wood - so I will be bringing 4 bundles.

I need to stop by the supermarket this afternoon and pick up some barley juice (beer) and a couple other things.

I'm heading out from Irvine in the morning at ACOD.

Anybody else coming from the OC?

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