Bradshaw Trail...February 6th,7th,8th,and,9th


If you guys have room, I would like to go and bring my 8 year old son. We had to cancel our Anza trip this weekend cause my youngest daughter got sick. Got anymore room?

Hope you can make it so I can check out that cool trailer you have.


I have a positive weather update. is calling for a slight chance of showers for Saturday and mostly cloudy. But I just watched the weather channels live updated southern California forecast and the clouds will be gone by Sunday morning leaving us with good weather for the remainder of the trip.

So Sunday and Monday should be moderate. This trip is a go...I am bringing an extra canopy just in case we get scattered rain Saturday night.


Expedition Leader
What's the big deal about rain? Keeps the dust down, temps down, and clears the skies, and between squalls, you get the best clouds and lighting for photos.

Rain or no, we are in. I have a 10 year old boy and 7 year old tomboy (girl). We are most looking forward to the Geode beds.

As a note to parents, if you can, I'd encourage you to keep the hand held video games at home. This is a look out the window and explore kinda trip! Plus, when we stop, the kids are more likely to interact, rather than hide behind a Nintendo DS.

If any of the kids are into Bionicles or Legos, my kids will be bringing some I'm sure.

As of this writing, I'm not yet prepped for food or anything else. I forget, are we doing pot luck? I'll be bringing 3 bundles of wood. Our plan is to head out towards the meeting point on Friday night, probably won't get there until 11pmish, then camp or hotel it (need to look into that!), and then meet in the morning. We are heading out as far as we can, but have to turn back sometime Sunday to get home Sunday night.


Good to know. I was worried people would not attend due to the rain.

Yes we are doing a potluck. I have a sign up list on the first post in this thread.

The plan for Sunday includes the eastern half of the trail. Not much to see except some road side wells and such. I was hoping to spend about 4 hours at the geode beds. I plan on digging deep.

Since we have a lot of rigs going we can even split up for a few hours...those that want to go explore and those that want to dig and meet back up to make camp. Either way there will be plenty to do.


What's the big deal about rain? Keeps the dust down, temps down, and clears the skies, and between squalls, you get the best clouds and lighting for photos.

Nathan, you must have one of them fancy rigs that don't leak when it rains. My kids one complained of getting snowed on in the back seat of my jeep- wimps!


Expedition Leader
Yes we are doing a potluck. I have a sign up list on the first post in this thread.

LOL, Beer Stew and Beer. Nice!

Sign us up for some homemade chili and breadrolls. It's mild, but good. A bit like Wendy's chili if you've ever had it. Ours is a bit thicker, with more beans. Should go great with a nice cold brew. calling for light rain on Saturday in Blythe. Knowing the desert, that is a completely unreliable forecast. Could be anything, and probably will be a mix of everything for short durations. I love it.

So, um...who's got the maps?


I have AAA maps of the area (which are pretty darn good), the book "Gold Road to La Paz" and, and the Hauser geode bed hot spots on my gps (along with the entire canyon, camp sites, and other sites).

I'll post up a google maps link tomorrow night.


My only guess would be to find a hotel in Indio somewhere. If you want to camp, Anza Borrego is about 25-30 miles south from where we are meeting. You probably can find somewhere to camp out there.

Man, I would have loved to make this trip, but I am committed to going to LA to visit friends this weekend. Next time hopefully.

Do a search for Mecca Hills. You can be sure to find a campsite there....primitive but you might as well try it. I have walked the area and it reminds me of Anza Borrego's Sandstone Canyon canyon trail....great place.

You can set up a camping spot no problems and be closer to the meeting place for Saturday.
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Alright...I am looking forward to meeting you guys. I will see all of you at the Arco this Saturday morning!



Expedition Leader
booked a room for the family at the Best Western in Indio for Friday night in the hopes of A) not finding and setting up camp at night in the rain, and B) in hopes of getting to the staging area on time!! Breaking camp in the wet for a family of four at 6am is not an easy task!


Well-known member
Well... as much as we hate to do this, we are going to cancel our trip. I have been checking the weather all week and now they are forecasting thunderstorms for Saturday with rain starting Friday night. This is up in the Indio and Blythe areas. For San Diego they are talking rain starting late tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. This means we most likely will have to load everything up in the rain. Not fun.

Sorry to cancel as we were REALLY looking forward to this trip. Having been caught in the desert during flash floods before, we are going to error on the side of caution. On top of that, I finally got about 99% of the mud off the Cherokee. :D

Have a great time, camp on high ground, take lots of pics and I am sure we'll met up on the trail another time.


Expedition Leader
Totally respect your decision. Now post your cell number so we can call you and tease you from somewhere along the trail....
or request a rescue! LOL

Naw, I'll have my SPOT.

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