Bradshaw Trail...February 6th,7th,8th,and,9th


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
I dont think i've ever had that day off. But then again, i've never worked for a city, gov, post office or a school :)


If no one here can get that Friday off we can leave in the wee small hours of Saturday morning.
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Glamping Society
Ohh I see...ya we combined Lincoln and Washington into Presidents Day so we could have MLK off in January here in AZ. So I'll be off the following Monday.


Most of the main trail is graded dirt and easy, unless the weather is bad. There are many side trails to explore, so that having 4wd will be useful. I recommend Red Canyon, and take the side trail on the east side up out of the canyon. The views along the razorback are spectacular. Also, the mining area north of Augustine Pass will offer great views and more challenging terrain. Route finding back to the trail along a different route was difficult, but fun.

An excellent resource, although somewhat out of date, is Gold Road to La Paz, by Delmer G. Ross. It is a mile by mile, guide book. The loop into the Chuckwall Mountains is now closed to vehicles. And from another post on this forum, the common way in is now gated off at the canal.

I will be leading a group on the trail on April 3-4.
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I just purchased that book. It has a lot of good information! I also received the new directions to gain access to the Trail.

I was also able to find old maps of the area when mining activity was common place and the route was in use.
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cowboy roscoe

New member
I am interested in Brashaw in Feburary...

Put another name down for this trip, if there is room, it has been on my list for some time...



Guest you down! Can you PM me your email address. In a few days I am going to start sending maps out.

There is room enough for everyone!

Just trying to get input on stops we want to explore and places to camp on Saturday and Sunday Night.

I also wanted to through out Friday the 6th as a possible date to begin the trip. I don't have to work that day but I might have a seminar. If I don't I am clear to leave on Friday. Does that work for 1leg and cowboy roscoe? If not no worries.
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Expedition Leader
I'm looking at doing most of Bradshaw but I think I'll enter through Red Canyon Trail (which you pick up near Chiriaco Summit) and exit before hwy 78 via Milpitas Wash Trail.


You can put me on the confirmed list to go on this one. I have a good book that has information on Red Canyon and the entire Bradshaw trail. It also has GPS cords for both. Let me know if you need any of that info and I will get it to you. Thanks


Great! I will put you down.

I am thinking of trying to get together for lunch with everyone in January so we can meet each other and go over the plans.

Let me know if you are all up for that.

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