Comanche Scott
Expedition Leader
Wheeling or wrenching? I'd rather wheel! :beer:
Hope the trip is epic. :victory:
Hope the trip is epic. :victory:
Yeah google photos has turned into a nightmare. Sharing the image URL doesn't seem to work anymore. And they removed all their editting tools. And the auto backup from my phone doesn't seem to work anymore. I'm going to have to migrate to another service, AGAIN.
Just ran into the same thing tooTook me about 30 minutes to figure it out the other night. I ended up finding a back door via my Picassa albums (which is going away for good in May) to upload and edit, then publish/share to myself in google photos. What a PITA.
I've been using Photobucket for WF, but it really drags down the system with all the ads and pop-up windows. I've *read* most of that goes away for paying members.
The cool part of this forum is the direct picture upload, making it real easy, and they stay with the posts no matter what happens to the other servers.
Many thanks to the kind owners of this forum. :beer:
Anyone been to Death Valley recently? I'm considering getting out there to check out these wild flowers.
Finally got these new lights mounted and wired up. I forgot what a pain wiring is. Made me rethink my OBA plans. I should probably go with something plug and play. We're heading to Death Valley this weekend to check out the #SuperBloom. First trip out with the new sleeping pads/bags, FauxTrax, Bumpers, Partner Stove and Lights.
*Let me know if these images are working. I can't get the photo uploader or the retrieve remote file for local reference to work. After selecting a photo to upload, there's no button or anything to finish the process. And when checking the retrieve option, nothing gets posted.
PICS no worky for me!
Aaaaack! Me neither!
Man, we're missing out on all the good stuff! :elkgrin: