"Bruce" the 2014 Jeep JKUR Build Thread


I have a few Quick questions for ya...

One, how did you mount the drawer in the back? Just use the tie down bolts?

Two, How is the drawer working out for you? anything you don't like about it?

Lastly, Can you post up some info on how you installed your ham radio? I'm struggling with placement on mine, and was looking for some inspiration.

Thank you!!

Hey zig. I have a tuffy drawer mounted under the passenger seat. I used industrial strength Velcro to mount a blue sea fuse box to the back of it. And my ham radio body and speaker to the top. It's work d out pretty well. I think it might prevent the seat from sliding the last notch forward or backward. I ran the cat wire to the little tray in front of the shifter and behind the mesh net on the dashboard and again used Velcro to secure my ham radio face plate there. I didn't use that tray anyway. The rubber part of the tray is removable. So you could rivet the faceplate to that if you wanted a more permanent install.





I go into more detail on page 5 or so of this thread. It's worked well. But I need to find a place to mount the handset.

The rear drawer worked well. I realized that it's pretty heavy when loaded up I hurt my back pulling it out last weekend. Then I remembered the drawer separates from the shell. That made things easier. It doesn't have a hold out feature. But you could rivet a little tab to hold it out like the macs tie down box.

I just used a ratchet strap across the top to keep it in place. But the long term plan is to use the tie down rings and straps or j hook bolts along with the logic track to secure it to the factory tie down points. I haven't tested the clearance of this idea yet though.

If that doesn't work, ill it's the bullet and just install from nutserts into the floor.


Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
My favorite part of this build, is the dog hair... :elkgrin:
Every time I go to the car wash, the manager runs out and puts an Out-of-Order sign on the vacuum... ;)

Great mount up of your ham radio. That would be a great thing for me to copy.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". :beer:

Like Toxicity said, that Versamount2 mount from Cooltech works great, and is a quick install.
I added an aluminum plate to the front so it will hold more than one mic.

Another option would be the Pro-Clip mount. I have a 213499 version of this, and really like it!. Had I seen the 213495 I would have bought it though, as it can hold a mic on each side, and the phone/GPS in the middle.


I have a magnetic mount for it but haven't figured out where I want it. The passenger grab handle is too far away for quick access. I usually just let it sit between the parking brake and console with the button pointed up. But sometime it goes upside down and everyone is forced to listen to the inside of my cab.

Yeah the dog hair is out of control. My wife got me those bedrugs that look like linex. But we returned them when we realized we needed another $350 worth to replace all the carpet. I might still do it though.

I was hoping taking the doors off would blow the hair out. But every time I go to take the top or doors off, I decide against it. I have to street park, removing the front runner shelf is a pain, and I don't have a secure place to store the top since my neighbors like to leave the garage door open all the time. I've thought about locking the top to the wall with a kryptonite chain. And I have a bestop trail cover. But it's still a gamble that some drunks won't mess with the lifted covered jeep parked on the street.

I started a new job a few blocks from my house. So now the jeep only gets driven on the weekends and to move for street leaning. Not daily driving Makes 37s tempting.


But every time I go to take the top or doors off, I decide against it. I have to street park, removing the front runner shelf is a pain, and I don't have a secure place to store the top since my neighbors like to leave the garage door open all the time.

I bought a JK so I could take the doors and top off, and here I am almost a year without ever doing either! :rolleyes: We also live in a condo building with a shared garage, so I fear the same thing. I also had a nasty little experience with a couple of spiders when I left my freedom panels off the roof one night, so the topless, doorless dream has been just that so far.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
I am incredibly spoiled on that account, having a garage.
Bummed for both you guys, because it really is great to have the top off/down as much as possible. At least you've got freedom tops so you can enjoy the day. :beer:

Ooooh! 37"s would be very cool. :)
That is a goal of mine over the next year or so. But have another rig (i.e. money sucker) I need to finish first.

That Pro-Clip wide mount would put the mic on the driver's side of the center vent... Something to consider, if you need it right by the steering wheel. It's spendy, but it is a nice piece that is really secure on the dash.


Is need a prorock44 with a regear and MCE fenders or the AEV 4.5 lift to run 37s though. 35s are a better compromise.

I want that bestop sunrider for the hardtop since even taking the freedom panels on and off is a hassle.

I might sell my topless odorless gear to finance my 35s and rebuy it whenever we move to something with a better garage. My main issue is that we have a 1970s garage door and an underground garage. So there's no more than 5'11" clearance.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Cool idea on the Sunrider. Looks like a pretty neat product.
The only concern I'd have is someone slashing it, to break in.

37" tires... I've been looking at this pretty hard lately. The list of upgrades grows exponentially, when the Jeep is used to overland, and conquer terrain that requires this big of a tire.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Rear axle shafts, track bars, HD steering components, strengthen all the frame brackets, steer box support, and steering assist for rocks (not just for rock crawling, just getting through rocky sections, even my 35" tires will get steering bind if I'm not careful). Drive shafts, lengthened rear arms which means modifying the frame and axle rear brackets to keep the geometry correct & clear from bind/interference. Support for the spare tire, other than a hinged carrier. For those of us that travel long distance, shock and spring tuning above the standard kit springs. This is also the time to really look at articulation, binding and joint flex.
It can be done without a lot of this, but the compromises (imo) aren't worth it.
Watch the progression of the builds, when the guys go to 37" tires. All the sudden the mods get a lot more serious for all that really wheel their rigs.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Or.. You can just go with the 3.5" AEV lift and 37' KO2's... :sombrero:

I don't know Zig, 37 foot tall tires might be a bit much for me... :elkgrin:

Still the same issues, no matter what 37" tire we run, if we want it right. Well, let me rephrase that... For wheeling "anywhere", if we want it right.
California, and other places with big rocks, really twist and beat on a rig, as do fast desert areas.


The reason why I threw out the 37" ko2 is that it is just over 35" mounted. Oh, and they weigh less than the 35" trail grapplers too...

Do note, that I am one of those guys who hasn't "upgraded" my axels because I have never seen anyone break one in my presence... Now that I have said that out loud however, I might have just jinxed myself

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Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Sorry Zig,
I meant the 37 foot comment just as a joke, because you used the ' symbol instead of the " symbol.
Didn't realize the KO2s ran that small. Most 37" tires run pretty close to true. That could be a great choice for a lot of people. Good suggestion.

Yeah, definitely agree that the 315/70R 17 don't need much. Makes it a much more cost effective mod.
Here's to a million miles with no issues. :beer:


Didn't catch the "foot" comment :elkgrin:

They should be a great tire choice for a lot of us.

Now, back to KVW's build thread :victory:

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