Bug out challenge


Well-known member
when the SHTF and a starving family passes by in a cheap junky sedan one might let them pass and hope they'll run out of fuel somewhere far away. When a "well built" expedition vehicle passes by it will be ambushed and the occupants executed. The contents will be "spoils of war" for the attackers. A SHTF vehicle is just a prepper's wet dream...
Sounds like you're quoting from your SOP binder.


Dirt Rider

Well-known member
Leonmac brings up a good point, we have strayed from my original post, although I found it all good food for thought. Bringing this back on course, it would be nice to see other vehicles that would be good for a bug out. Without being absurd I still think I win this contest, but I would like challenges from others. I am thinking something better than a none electronic cummins would be an aircooled diesel that some vehicles use. I think in many ways an overland vehicle that is out in the boonies has the same requirements as bug out vehicle in that it needs to be as simple as possible and field repairable. An engine with a bunch or electrical management is not repairable in the field and as we all know those systems have a limited life span.


Well-known member
An engine with a bunch or electrical management is not repairable in the field and as we all know those systems have a limited life span.
Eh? I didn't realize points & condenser ignition systems were everlasting.

On a long enough timeline, every system has a limited lifespan. Until biotech is available that can heal itself, that's just the nature of manmade things.


Engineer In Residence
I would take a solid state ignition over points any day. All those wear parts in the mechanical system...


But still, one thing I have not figured out, if it got that bad that I needed a bug out vehicle, where would you plan to get fuel? I might make it a few hundred miles if I am lucky, but I still need to refuel. Hopefully I can trade but I doubt I would get anywhere where fuel could be purchased. Just thinking out loud.


Lunchbox Lockers
I would take a solid state ignition over points any day. All those wear parts in the mechanical system...

Everybody knows that after the EMP that causes the SHTF and suddenly everybody needs to bug out only the mechanical diesels and points ignition gassers will be left running. I'm rigging an air starter so I'm not stranded. I'm going to use green energy from the hot air from the internet SHTF forums to fill my air tank. AMF!!!


To Infinity and Beyond!
You could always jump in your "Bug" and head on "Out"!

Air cooled engine, points ignition, inconspicuous in appearance, good fuel mileage and your on your way to to somewhere else where the problems caused by SHTF are just as bad!


Is it riding season yet?
I live in a very small town in the middle of no where northern Canada. Load up the truck with my personal little armory, toss the 25 gallons of spare fuel I have at all times in the truck, a few pre-prepared boxes of gear, couple of my chainsaws, quad in the bed, and i'm out the door in less than 20 mins. Short drive to the middle of nowhere, fish and hunt for sustinence, see ya in a few years, or never.

In fact...


I live in a very small town in the middle of no where northern Canada. Load up the truck with my personal little armory, toss the 25 gallons of spare fuel I have at all times in the truck, a few pre-prepared boxes of gear, couple of my chainsaws, quad in the bed, and i'm out the door in less than 20 mins. Short drive to the middle of nowhere, fish and hunt for sustinence, see ya in a few years, or never.

In fact...
How long did it take to hunt the Bison to the doorstep of extinction? If everyone with a rifle, fishing pole, or shotgun runs into the woods to hunt out food I think the wild game populations would be decimated in a matter of months. As the game dwindled they would probably start shooting each other to eliminate the competition.


Engineer In Residence
I posted some earlier in this thread, but the vast majority of cars (electronic or otherwise) will continue to run. Only longer wires, like power transmission, aircraft, etc, will be affected.

Which brings us full circle to the ideal bug out vehicle. Here is a handy identification guide.

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Well-known member
How long did it take to hunt the Bison to the doorstep of extinction? If everyone with a rifle, fishing pole, or shotgun runs into the woods to hunt out food I think the wild game populations would be decimated in a matter of months. As the game dwindled they would probably start hunting each other to replenish their larder.

With respect, I made a small edit. :)

Dirt Rider

Well-known member
I am thinking this Virus hysteria will blow over at some point soon, but if not and the S hits the fan, the idea of a bug out is going to be a good idea ! Supplies could run out and people will get desperate and stupid. The question is can you live off the land long enough for things to calm down? And the most important question to ask is; how bad does it have to get before you pull the plug and run?

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