Bug Out Vehicle


American Adventurist
Yep - check. Got Warn winches on each end. I thought I read a review that said MaxTrax was strong enough for bridging.

Probaby a MaxTrax add. Post #135 offers the most pragmatic solution, although LAOutbackTrail can speak authoritatively on the subject.

Willy G

Sorry if its a book :Wow1:
I've was reading this a while ago and finnally posted after my power came back on, then went to work like normal, heard a storm was comeing in, so I put my top up that had been down for a few days (107 index) anyway at work the storm hit, and the lights flickered alot, then out for good, I think it was reported at least 40+ mph winds, but almost every electrical line was down, along with everything else, as much as I like the idea of having extra everthing at your house sometimes you can't be at your house when disaster strikes, we were let off early for various reasons, but I had 2 trees blocking my route home, and I knew that everyone I knew was at the house and just fine, but I helped the power company clear the road to my house, and this wasn't the back country either, it was in town, but I learned that you need some stuff with you at all times that can get you home or out of the way if anything where to happen, also I was glad that I had filled up as well, all power was lost.

my new list of stuff to keep with my at all times
1. chain saw, saw, or axe (because of the I live in a wooded area)
2. shovel,(always carried one any way)
3. very capable suzuki samurai, :sombrero:
4. flashlight and batteries, because we had old oil lamps burning when I got home
5. light survivle stuff, rain suit, and recovery stuff.

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Viking with a Hammer
I moved out to the country. I'm allready bugged out.

Ignore EMP. EMP will not effect automotive electronics. Or at least it would have to be so strong it would most likely be fatal, so it wouldn't matter if your old jeep survived the EMP if your brain is microwaved on high.

When the power goes out, I go to work. Bugging out is just a normal day at work for me. Any decent 4x4 truck is fine. I just worked the huge thunderstorm that wiped out power in Columbus Ohio, and I've worked countless huricanes and storms in Florida.

Things you need:
30-38g fuel tank is a must. Keep it filled.
Chainsaw, axe, bolt cutters
Push broom (to hold up powerlines while you drive under them)
Ace hardware 12v DC electric water pump, some hose, extra impeller (for pumping fuel if needed, gas stations can't pump fuel without electricity but they can still sell it.)

Coffee filters
MSR Waterworks Water filter pump.
Cooler filled with ice
Pepsi can stove and denatured alcohol (Yellow Heet)
Surfire Flash Light
Hilift jack
Bottle jack
Lightforce Blitz 240 (this S#$% allways happens at night)
30' 3/8" chain
large ratchet straps
tarp and bungees
Tire chains
Cell phone and wireless internet aircard for laptop help a ton.
CB radio
Delorme GPS to navigate country roads because I75 is packed with Florida yuppies.
Small 4 ft ladder
Axle grease
Rear locker (I use Detroit lockers)
2 spare tires, or at least a plug kit and ether.
Air compressor, I'd imagine if you have time a bicycle pump would work fine, never tried it.
Extra fuel filters (when you screw up and pump nasty fuel into your tank)

That's about all I can think of, that I've actually used in the field in real bug in/out situations. I've got all kinds of other cool tools and expo gear on my work trucks, just never used any of it.

Really though, a real bug out involves your feet and a backpack. The MSR water filter will save your life. Some people carry water, those people are stupid.
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Really though, a real bug out involves your feet and a backpack. The MSR water filter will save your life. Some people ONLY carry water, those people are stupid.

Fixed it for ya

I would suggest a HAM radio instead of CB. A CB isn't worth a roll of TP unless you know a bunch of people close by that have them. Half the problem is people don't know anything about how the radio operates, and how to use it even if it did work. Most think it's supposed to take the needle into the deepest part of the red to transmit. At least with HAM people generally understand the basics.

I'd also say fiberglass handled bolt cutters with thick rubber handles. Sometimes you have to cut power lines ;)

I didn't see the Hi-Lift in your list (maybe I missed it) but that's one heck of a tool if you know how to use it.

Now about an EMP. Unless you've got a heart monitor, the computer on your car will die much quicker than you. Solenoids, and relays would most likely be fine. The one good thing is you'll alot of people around you without a car too so at least you wouldn't be alone.


Viking with a Hammer
Kinda. My point was that in 90% of the US, carrying more than 2L of water is counter productive. It's heavy. It's better just to pump and treat your own water as you go. I never carry more than 1L of water on a one week hike.

Unless your cars computer is connected to a powerline or some sort of wire antennae 100miles long EMP isn't going to effect it. An electric car plugged in would be screwed, but a regular gas car is fine. The strength of an EMP required to transmit enough voltage to pop the ECM in a car would be the epicenter of a nuclear explosion. In which case, you have bigger problems than deciding which car to take.

While car ECM's are quite fragile, using a EMP to induce the amount of voltage into the short little wires that would pop the cars ECM isn't going to happen without killing everything in sight.

Even a sub towing a mile long low Hz radio antennae isn't hardly effected.

EMP is actually quite weak. You need a huge collector to capture it in a destructive way. Car's don't have wiring long enough and are mostly a faraday cage anyways.
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I moved out to the country. I'm allready bugged out.

Ignore EMP. EMP will not effect automotive electronics. Or at least it would have to be so strong it would most likely be fatal, so it wouldn't matter if your old jeep survived the EMP if your brain is microwaved on high.-----SNIP-------.

Not exactly true. The likelyhood of an EMP attack is low, but being aware of EMP is better than ignoring it.

EMP can be generated without a nuke (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explosively_pumped_flux_compression_generator) and localized in the target area to boot. Second, the EMP pulse level required to destroy electronics is much lower than what may be required to affect a human brain. Why? Because all of the wires that attach to electrical devices act as antennas and concentrate more energy into the device. There are a million articles out there on all of this and they make for great reading.

And viewing
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As someone who has worked in emergency services, I would highly recommend not touching or cutting power lines. Stay away from them. That's the reason why we have utility companies.

Willy G

Yeah, It would just take longer to get the power back up if everyone just cut the power lines, I just drive over them or around if I can


Viking with a Hammer
Yeah, It would just take longer to get the power back up if everyone just cut the power lines, I just drive over them or around if I can

I like clipping powerlines into my pintle hitch and seeing how far I can stretch them before they slingshot me like Wile E Coyote


Yep What he said I like it , dont forget to buy a couple of silver ex army round dishes. drop a dish on the road in a couple of different spot and no one will attemp to cross , just add sign LIve Mine Field PS Survivers Shot.
Goto love old school But Time with old tricks :-Also BTW I would have a 1982 V8 Two door Range rover. 4 inch lift in suspension, 2 inch boddy lift, Centerpeed tires 35 s and a good winch as well as a light right foot, Spare fuel, seeds to plant lotsa water and most of all Bug Out now and earn a living being mobile on a small island like OOH Tasmania :)
One Life Live It

I'm ole school and unconventional to boot so;
"I'd not worry about such things because any potential enemy will bring everything you'll possibly ever need you just have to take it"!


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