Whats the going rate, $20mil?
Oh man! Guys, Joe is right!!!!
Taken this morning north of DFW! Chem trails!!!??? :sombrero:
I've yet to see any high volume air samplers confirm the contents of the trails so the jury is still out. However, the spraying for cousin skeeter does distribute some nasty crap harmful to us humans the toss up is which is worse cousin skeeter or the pesticide?
Yeah, no kidding. The county will start spraying here pretty soon. They've already started farther south.....
I've done a standing water audit in my back yard... if I couldn't disperse the water, I put bleach in to kill the larvae and then a cap of vegetable oil to float on the water. But, that's just my prevention methods... I talked to my neighbors about it and they didn't seem to care. I even offered to do the work for them.
We've got a 5 month old at home so, we're more concerned about West Nile than we'd normally be. Thankfully, my 6 year old and I don't get bitten very often by mosquitoes, but my wife and baby get swarmed...
snapped a pic of this BOV at a flea market in N. AL
Save the scenario of a foreign army invasion of the US... it's not necessarily a good thing that everyone survives the apocalypse. Our Earth is overpopulated as it is!
fate favors the prepared.
some dude, I think you'll just be another target in somebody else's sights if or when the lights go out forever