Bug Out Vehicle

I guess, my point was that those people are "part of the problem".... has anyone seen the movie Idiocracy? Second scariest movie I've ever seen. First was the Exorcist when I was 7....


Expedition Leader
We that are living are taking up space & using resources, are we not? and well, we can do something about it [suicide]...if we truly believe over population is a problem.

Both methods are practicing eugenics.

But what if you were reborn as twins? Just joking. You cant :D:Dreally except folks who are already here to make That sacrifice? ??? If so...we'll be watching for your obituary .

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I hope I can keep this benignly political, speaking of direct observations and experiences.
I was born and raised in a city/parish/state of Louisiana with a large population of welfare seekers. My own family members nonexempt in the matter. I've seen the manipulation of system so many times its sickening. The government assistance programs are abused beyond belief. To give a direct observation, as mentioned above, women will have multiple children (often from several men) only to receive the check from the state. And the sum they receive via the various channels is ridiculous! Often $1400-2000 PER CHILD, PER MONTH!!! Do the math on the woman with 5 illegitimate children! That's more than half the members of this board bring in! This excludes child support!
My brother's wife, a fat nasty whore, has 5 children. Two are blood related to my brother. She collects enough money that they have no problem buying a new car, cigarettes, marijuana, beer, ATVs, etc. My mom working two jobs "needed" to buy the kids school supplies.

I could go on about different ethnic groups, but that would be tasteless and inappropriate for this forum. My own "family" is a fair enough example...

So they don't live the way you think they should live. Are you suggesting we should sterilize them? Every person has the right to live, no matter if you
like their lifestyle or not.

What other people do you frown upon their lifestyles and beliefs? You're going down the road of eugenics and genocide...perhaps a person that is above you in the socio economic ladder frowns upon your lifestyle...think about it.

But what if you were reborn as twins? Just joking. You cant :D:Dreally except folks who are already here to make That sacrifice? ??? If so...we'll be watching for your obituary .

Well for one thing, I don't believe in over-population. It is not right for people to decide who gets to live or not. We have been down this road many times in the past.
Are people like Bill Gates promoting genocide, but with a soft hand? It is always everyone else causing this so-called over population problem, but never the person complaining about it...yet there they stand taking up space and using resources. Now if Billy would get up on stage and complain about over population, then stick a gun to his head...that would be putting his money where his mouth is. Otherwise he is just another holier-than-thou blow hard...wanting others to sacrifice, but not himself.

In the end, it really isn't up to us Humans anyway...history tends to repeat itself, the Earth will most likely hit the reset button...

And keeping with the theme of the thread, why is it, that people think they will survive an apocalypse let alone have a bug out vehicle? I find that funny for some reason.
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So they don't live the way you think they should live. Are you suggesting we should sterilize them? Every person has the right to live, no matter if you
like their lifestyle or not.

What other people do you frown upon their lifestyles and beliefs? You're going down the road of eugenics and genocide...perhaps a person that is above you in the socio economic ladder frowns upon your lifestyle...think about it.

people who choose to live off the "benefits" of a socialist program are choosing to accept the consequences (welfare/sterilization)

overpopulation isn't a belief system, its is a simple scientific matter of numbers - infrastructure (food supply, waste management, water supply) and the population that demands it. modern agriculture, technology, and geneticly modified plants have artificially raised the bar as far as the earths capabilities, while modern medicine has raise the population through longevity of life, but there will still be a time of balancing. It is a normal cycle that all animals on this planet have to go through. most of them go through it every couple of years. we haven't had to, but that time will come. Just take a look at how low the US food reserves have gotten, combine that with the crop shortages due to the droughts in the northern and southern hemispheres.

either wars or nature will balance the system for us.


And keeping with the theme of the thread, why is it, that people think they will survive an apocalypse let alone have a bug out vehicle? I find that funny for some reason.

This thought has crossed my mind many times.Just in case though, I am keeping my mountain bike close to hand.:coffee:


people who choose to live off the "benefits" of a socialist program are choosing to accept the consequences (welfare/sterilization)

overpopulation isn't a belief system, its is a simple scientific matter of numbers - infrastructure (food supply, waste management, water supply) and the population that demands it. modern agriculture, technology, and geneticly modified plants have artificially raised the bar as far as the earths capabilities, while modern medicine has raise the population through longevity of life, but there will still be a time of balancing. It is a normal cycle that all animals on this planet have to go through. most of them go through it every couple of years. we haven't had to, but that time will come. Just take a look at how low the US food reserves have gotten, combine that with the crop shortages due to the droughts in the northern and southern hemispheres.

either wars or nature will balance the system for us.

Yes, totally agree with you. Perhaps I am coming off differently than what I am thinking in my head. I don't believe in the term "over-population" because mass populations exist outside of the Human species. It occurs naturally...why would we be any different? Mass populations aren't necessarily a bad thing. (Of course that
is coming from a person who isn't fond of crowds, zing!):ylsmoke:

Now, here is where it gets sticky, Since humans have the ability to reason, I don't think we should decide who gets to live or not, whether it be through sterilization or other more severe methods. It goes against basic civil/human rights. Just because a parent abuses government system doesn't necessarily mean their offspring will follow suit. You can ask yourself "How far up the socio economic/intelligence ladder should We sterilize and who gets to make those decisions? What happens when the higher ups point the you aren't good enough and must be sterilized finger at you?"

Sure, curbing population growth may prevent the next Hitler (<<<<that sounds a bit oxymoronic, Ha Ha!), and may also prevent the next Einstein as well.

As you said, nature will correct itself... as our meddling with nature promoted this human population growth explosion. We may of dealt the hand of our own demise, or perhaps we will continue to advance, and hop off this rock to populate the Universe. Only time will tell.

This thought has crossed my mind many times.Just in case though, I am keeping my mountain bike close to hand.:coffee:

Ha ha, yeah I don't know if I want to live in the aftermath of some cataclysmic near extinction event. Scratching out an existence does not sound appealing...cool Mad Max vehicle or not...:ylsmoke:
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I don't think sterilization is the answer. Just take away the money and it'll sort it's self out. How can you expect someone who's living a comfortable lifestyle (for them) to want it to change? Cut off the money, food stamps, free healthcare, and I bet they get off their lazy *****'s and start providing for themselves, or become a criminal and end up in the other system that provides too much these days.


Didn't Hitler and Stalin already try that?
MAO holds the record for the most of everything from genocide to limiting births.

[/QUOTE]And you're missing the point...the ones complaining about over population never blame themselves.[/QUOTE]
Not unlike those who claim to want to protect the environment I don't see their family names on the contents label of compost bags.


Expedition Leader
This seems like quite a stretch from BugOut Vehicles to population control and Hitler & the
Boys. :D:D:D
Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk 2


Hmmm...there are lots of opinions on society in general, and actually a bit of some good practical advice here. But I have a few questions. I am certified in First Aid, and I'm going to take a backcountry first aid class that I see offered from time to time. However, this course offers more short-term fixes, ways to temporarily stop/slow bleeding or otherwise stabilize a patient until professional help arrives, or worst case, until you can get a patient to help. But what about a scenario where no professional medical care is forthcoming? I wouldn't know how to do a proper suture, and I don't have sterile equipment/materials for doing this anyway. Where does a lay person go to learn this stuff? How does one go about stocking up on Cipro or other prescription medications that might be necessary?

And as far as vehicle-related preparedness goes, I'm curious how many people drive their fully-prepared BOV daily. I don't, mainly because of crappy mileage (especially fully-loaded) and wear and tear on expensive tires and hard parts. But it occurs to me that when disaster strikes I might not be near my BOV (My DD has 4x4, and I work fewer than 2 miles from home, but you never know). Should I forget about my big V8-powered 4x4 as a BOV and use my DD instead because it gets better than twice the mileage? I should have maps that show stealth ways out of town, but railroad service roads and the like are not usually made available to the general public. Where does one get this information?

Finally, as far as a Zombie Apocalypse goes, it's not likely to ever happen, but don't discount the idea as ridiculous out of hand. It's clearly a metaphor. Those you trust and depend upon: your family, neighbors, community, and your government for whatever reason become a liability and even life-threatening. What would you do? Even the CDC uses this popular metaphor in their Emergency Preparedness Awareness Campaign, http://www.bt.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies.asp. It's interesting that in that in this document, in colorful graphic novel format, those that get to the central shelter end up getting attacked. Is the CDC telling us to be prepared enough to avoid getting shuttled to the nearest sports arena during the next disaster? Of course, the metaphor goes deeper, those who, like zombies, walk around dead to the world become victims, and they want to eat the living, metaphorically we hope. That is, because of their numbers, they require scant resources in abundance to survive. I don't want to become a victim of a zombie attack.


Hmmm...there are lots of opinions on society in general, and actually a bit of some good practical advice here. But I have a few questions. I am certified in First Aid, and I'm going to take a backcountry first aid class that I see offered from time to time. However, this course offers more short-term fixes, ways to temporarily stop/slow bleeding or otherwise stabilize a patient until professional help arrives, or worst case, until you can get a patient to help. But what about a scenario where no professional medical care is forthcoming? I wouldn't know how to do a proper suture, and I don't have sterile equipment/materials for doing this anyway. Where does a lay person go to learn this stuff? How does one go about stocking up on Cipro or other prescription medications that might be necessary?

And as far as vehicle-related preparedness goes, I'm curious how many people drive their fully-prepared BOV daily. I don't, mainly because of crappy mileage (especially fully-loaded) and wear and tear on expensive tires and hard parts. But it occurs to me that when disaster strikes I might not be near my BOV (My DD has 4x4, and I work fewer than 2 miles from home, but you never know). Should I forget about my big V8-powered 4x4 as a BOV and use my DD instead because it gets better than twice the mileage? I should have maps that show stealth ways out of town, but railroad service roads and the like are not usually made available to the general public. Where does one get this information?

Finally, as far as a Zombie Apocalypse goes, it's not likely to ever happen, but don't discount the idea as ridiculous out of hand. It's clearly a metaphor. Those you trust and depend upon: your family, neighbors, community, and your government for whatever reason become a liability and even life-threatening. What would you do? Even the CDC uses this popular metaphor in their Emergency Preparedness Awareness Campaign, http://www.bt.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies.asp. It's interesting that in that in this document, in colorful graphic novel format, those that get to the central shelter end up getting attacked. Is the CDC telling us to be prepared enough to avoid getting shuttled to the nearest sports arena during the next disaster? Of course, the metaphor goes deeper, those who, like zombies, walk around dead to the world become victims, and they want to eat the living, metaphorically we hope. That is, because of their numbers, they require scant resources in abundance to survive. I don't want to become a victim of a zombie attack.

The only medical help you can rely upon would be yourself (in a real SHTF situation there is no help coming) and now you more likely than not are living in a society that has made everything illegal unless licensed you need think out of the box. Common sense dictates the only meds you can stockpile with relative ease would be found at the livery supply house in powdered form. Military medical field manuals (special forces) have the information you need to get by, as for stitching that gaping wound the stitching will not hurt as bad as the wound itself does in most cases. Another item to have is "surgi cell" (I forget the spelling) does a great job on bullet holes and jagged gaping wounds but be advised it has some side effects.

I would only consider a diesel powered vehicle for any real bug out situation and all the other gas powered vehicles have crank case oil that can be used as diesel fuel if processed/filtered properly keeping in mind something to add for lubrication of pumps and injectors is a must. While this process/filtering may sound like it would be a hard thing to do its not and can be deployed in a field expedient manner on the cheap. Again out of the box!

In a time before all the alphabet entities in America the people were more prepared to deal with any given situation because the services were non existent as the services came on line so did the control freaks and lawyers who drove the cost of doing business way beyond the average persons means. This brings to mind the word "duloracy" which is a government of servants giving themselves so much license and privilege they domineer over those they are supposed to serve.
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