BUILD:1993 Toyota HDJ80 - 1hdT, 5 Speed, 3x Locked, LHD. My dream vehicle!


that's such a nice cruiser, if it had the dual tank and spare tire in the back it would be my dream truck witout a doubt ... great conversion on the dual squared lights also belive it looks much better in the 80 series.

continue with the great job updating the 80
Thanks so much! Long range fuel tanks a rear tire carrier are on the list. Maybe a year or two down the road


EGT and BOOST gauges hooked up, I think they are calibrated well. I’d love to hear numbers on the 1hdt and what I should be looking out for! Everything on mine is OEM For the most part.

EGT probe is pre turbo. Boost vacuum hose was tied into the hose coming out of the ‘turbo’ crossover manifold.

Initial tests show:
Idle after warmed - EGT ~360F / BOOST ~4.6 PSI
110kph @ ~2500RPM - EGT ~600-800F / BOOST ~10 PSI
During acceleration onto highway - EGT ~1000 - 1200F / BOOST ~12PSI
Short burst of full acceleration - EGT ~1100 - 1400F

id love to hear any thought on these numbers and any recommended adjustments.
the Final dash instal. Looks awesome! Visible and clear. The auber Instruments have that period correct look too!




on my 1996 1HDFT/h151 80 series... one small thing I added that made a huge improvement... I soundproofed the heck out of the center console/shifter console. The H151 has a rather noise transmission, and the 1HDT isn't exactly quiet... the difference was night and day.

I skimmed the write up here... but did you replace the bottom end bearings (connecting rod bearings). On every 1HDFT, 1HDT, 1HZ i've worked on, I replaced the bearings and they were all in bad shape. It's cheap insurance. The other thing is the valve adjustment... which is a royal PITA, but necessary. Also, the fuel pickup (the tube inside the tank) has a factory "screen" on it. Mine was covered in algae... I deleted mine and run a second filter instead (easier to change/clean). Lastly, the factory fuel filter has a "water in fuel" sensor. Double check that yours works... mine was not hooked up, and a bad tank of fuel in mexico blew out my recently rebuilt injector tips. 99% of the time, diesel fuel is fine... even in Mexico... but every once in a while you'll get some water and if it makes it to the injectors bad things happen.

sweet truck.


also... bump your timing 1mm. Will make a world of difference with respect to EGT's. Loosen the two 12mm nuts AND the giant 19mm bolt hidden undernearth... then twist the pump so that the top moves toward the engine block. There are hash-marks on the timing case and the pump... they should be aligned... move the pump so that the pump hash mark is about 1mm above the timing case mark.

and... intercooler. Air to Air. Makes a huge difference... will keep your engine much safer under high-load.
The AUD is weak at the moment... I was able to get a kit recently for a friend's truck for a really good deal. The fit and finish made it pretty easy to install...



ah... AND... that era of 80 series has somewhat oddball brakes; especially the rear. If and when you need rotors or pads, Valley Hybrid in stockton stocks them (no affiliation).


on my 1996 1HDFT/h151 80 series... one small thing I added that made a huge improvement... I soundproofed the heck out of the center console/shifter console. The H151 has a rather noise transmission, and the 1HDT isn't exactly quiet... the difference was night and day.

I skimmed the write up here... but did you replace the bottom end bearings (connecting rod bearings). On every 1HDFT, 1HDT, 1HZ i've worked on, I replaced the bearings and they were all in bad shape. It's cheap insurance. The other thing is the valve adjustment... which is a royal PITA, but necessary. Also, the fuel pickup (the tube inside the tank) has a factory "screen" on it. Mine was covered in algae... I deleted mine and run a second filter instead (easier to change/clean). Lastly, the factory fuel filter has a "water in fuel" sensor. Double check that yours works... mine was not hooked up, and a bad tank of fuel in mexico blew out my recently rebuilt injector tips. 99% of the time, diesel fuel is fine... even in Mexico... but every once in a while you'll get some water and if it makes it to the injectors bad things happen.

sweet truck.
Thanks for the soundproofing trick! I may need to do that!

funny enough the BEBs are next on the list. I just received new ACLs in the mail and am waiting for a cooler day to knock it out.

luckily mine has seemed to have a secondary water separator and fuel filter sincelong before I got it.

I’ll look into the 1mm adjustment. Seems like a quick job and sounds like an awesome trick.


Well-known member
Never owned one but shopped for one often. They are one of the best 4x4s ever. A bit of luxury in a pure off roader. And any straight six is one of the best power plants for a 4x4. Enjoy it.


Took 20 minutes today to adjust the injector pumps timing on the 1hdt. 1mm was recommended and it seemed to work a treat. EGTs are down and low rev power is up. No more / less smoke than before. Yellow is the old mark. Blue is new. Thanks! @Gifu



I finally took on the Big End Bearings (con rod bearings) this week!

Overall, it was a pretty simple job. The most annoying part was getting the oil pan off and cutting the FIPG. One I was in the motor, i just took my time and did everything by the books. I replaced them with ACL tri-metal bearings.

I followed some instruction I found on here from @bonznfc and followed some other tips and tricks i found in my research Along the way.

The old bearings were COMPLETELY SHOT! I cannot believe how bad of shape cylinder 1 and 6 were in (I just clocked over 290k km). Doesn’t look like these were ever swapped out. Overall, its great to knock this off of the list. Ill run this oil and zinc additive for 500 miles and do another oil / filter change when everything is broken in.






since I have no plans to upgrade the bumpers, I beefed up the front and rear recovery points with IronMan points. I painted them black....



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