We finished sealing up the propane locker. It will actually hold quite a few of the little propane canisters! It'll be nice to have spares, but not have to keep them inside the camper. It's also a good spot for towels and buckets and wet things.
Jason got the solar charge monitor and battery monitor installed in the faceplate of the galley. The LED light is to let us know if our ACR relay has tripped.
The battery accounts for most of the weight of the finished camper but we won't have to worry about our fridge losing charge and food getting warm!
Jason rigged up a "shore power" connection to the truck to be able to charge the battery and keep systems running while we're driving. Everything is fully waterproof and pretty darn slick. The plug on the camper goes between the cab and the truck bed and connects to a plug routed from the engine compartment.
There's some black magic going on inside this cabinet...
I was out in the garage doing something else when I get a text from Jason to come to the camper and bring a fire extinguisher...but it's fine because nothing is on fire. Um, what? I hurried over there with it just in case. It was actually time to turn on the camper electrical system for the first time!

Better safe than sorry! IT WORKS!!!! (and nothing caught fire...)