In Episode 7 you ask for tips on emptying a toilet cassette. I cannot figure out how to comment on YouTube, so I will drop this here. The best place, by far, is a vault toilet, like at a rest area, campground, trailhead, etc. They are ubiquitous. We use our camper toilet much like a river groover in that we try to not urinate in it (to max the capacity). But, you want some liquid in there so it empties easier. When you are in a hurry, just dump it in a vault toilet, put the cap back on and move on. It will not be fully empty and "clean" but it will be ready for additional use. When you have time, and a nice vault toilet that is not nasty and does not have people waiting to use it, first dump the cassette, then pour some water in the cassette (.25. - .5 gal, or so), cap the cassette and swish it around. Then dump that. then put in more water with some soap (Dr. Bonners Lavender is the current favorite) swish that around (cap it first) and dump, then one more time adding water and a swish to rinse Gets it nice and clean and unsmelly. We have three old plastic orange juice bottles knocking around in the camper that we will fill with water and take over to the vault toilet when we are doing this. Makes the process smooth and fast.
Also use some sort of additive into the cassette to keep down odors. Happy Camper is widely recommended.