Getting pretty close. Still waiting on some small ID pipe insulation.
I opted to hit all the copper lines with some cold galvanizing spray. Its 70% zinc, and should extend their life under a vehicle. I glued a cap over the unused motor end/bearing. I also glued a seal to the output side of the condenser fan. The motor still has a drain hole at the bottom, but having these two seals should reduce the risk of crap getting washed into the bearings. The starter cap is mounted and the harness complete. Since the fan condenser fan only needs one speed (high), and will always run with the compressor, I just ran three wires and a waterproof connector for easy removal.
I got the fittings soldered onto the evap lines. They clamp to tabs on the pan, and I put rubber for chafe and heat transfer resistance.
Wiring is done on the inside unit as well I used 2 of the same waterproof 3 wire connectors here. The small black box is the 6uF cap for the evap fan.
Got the evap unit mostly together. Should get it completed tomorrow. I also set the rivnuts for the interior/exterior mountings, and got the shelf ready to go in.
IMG_20200727_165553921 by
J Luth, on Flickr
Major tasks left are running the refrigerant lines, and the power wires. Followed by an evac and charge. Well, a leak test first with vacuum to make sure I didn't screw it up too bad.