I’m always interested in other people’s plate designs. I went through a few designs on my JKU before deciding imitation is the greatest form of flattery and that poverty is often the mother of invention. With the help of skilled carpenter and enough cardboard boxes to pack my house into, I set out to see how close to a Goose Gear design I could get. It took about 80 hours over a lot of late nights and weekends, but in the end I came out with a pretty close fake. In the end, after totaling all the parts and pieces and do overs and it came out about a wash. If I had to pay my carpenter friend for his time, it would have been a financial looser. However, in the end, I can say I built that myself and I can fix that myself. Something I’ve always held to on my Overland build.
You can’t fault Goose Gear for their prices though. Really sit down and do the math on the relatively low volume manufacturing that they do and the wide range of products for different vehicles that they offer. Sure they make some money, but I think you would find it less than most would think.
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