Building custom soft top for the LJ


Here is a sneak peek at what I have been slowly working on for nearly 3 years now:
It is starting to pick up speed now that I am working on the material portion of the project.
The design took me ages to work out.
Just wanted to say I love this forum and all the great ideas being shared here. :wavey:

After completion of the top many of you have expressed an interest in having this put into production so I have started an "interested" list. This does not mean taking deposits, only that you have a place in line and if/when production begins, you will be given the option to pay at that time and be one of the first to receive your top. This is nothing contractual, just an “I am interested” list.

Please PM or email me with the following info and I will add you to "the list".
My email is gdon AT cox DOT net

-Full name
-Phone number (optional)
-Jeep year and model (All jeep models will be considered if I there is enough interest)
-Color desired.

Any comments welcome

Thanks for your support.
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Expedition Leader

Cool man,
Looks kinda like your going for sort of a soft top version of this. :)


  • Expedition2ScramblerConcept.jpg
    66.2 KB · Views: 93


I love Jeff Sherb's ideas- I never saw that one before though. It will be somewhat similar to that without the extended rear section. I have plans for a rather large rack system on the back, making room for cargo such as coolers, jerry cans, etc, but that will be after- I will give you a hint there; it is something that I have not seen on any TJ, LJ or JK.


Originally, I was thinking of something more like this:

About 20 years ago in the army, they still had a number of older vehicles that I was able to drive around the bases from time to time and I always vowed I would purchase one, however, the need for airbags and some modern ammenities drew me towards the LJ. I still had a nostalgic longing for that old military top look with the bows and the canvas top, however, and I have always felt the factory tops did not quite suit my needs.

That being said, I do have to admit that when I began my research on traditional soft tops, I realized that the Rovers and Cruisers did employ the same basic structure as, for example, the old CJ3bs. It goes without saying then that there will be a recognizeable kinship when looking at my top as I have drawn ideas from each.

All that being said, I do want to keep my LJ looking traditionally "Jeepy" as much as possible while still retaining the features that I wanted in a soft top.

Thanks for the encouragement and the interest :) I will update today with more info and pics.


Expedition Leader

You've probably seen this from the Safari Cab design work - this a a soft-top design that would work with the Safari Cab roll-up side curtains.


And here's the side curtains (but with the hard roof panel):


Just FWIW as an idea starter...




You've probably seen this from the Safari Cab design work - this a a soft-top design that would work with the Safari Cab roll-up side curtains.

And here's the side curtains (but with the hard roof panel):

Just FWIW as an idea starter...


Hi Jeff! Absolutely, I remember seeing that drawing on JF. I was not surprised when you came up with it because of the proliferation of ideas you had and your uncanny ability to put them into visual form so quickly. I began to write you an email asking what you thought of my project on that day with pictures, but then decided against it. Somewhat embarrassed, I had torn my project down and rebuilt it/tweaked it many times and it was still not where I wanted it. I didn't want to be the guy that says he is going to do something and then never finish what I started and I felt I would have "jinxed" myself by openly talking about my project. My busy schedule has drawn this project out but I finally feel that I am on the home stretch, hopefully!
I have been a huge fan of your work, and if I had the engineering/woodworking/fiberglassing/visio pro skills that you have, I believe this would have been finished long ago. I feel I am a mere mortal next to some of the amazing and creative folks like yourself that frequent this forum. I wanted to thank you for your encouragement and your incredible contributions to the community. If you are ever in Arizona, please let me know. I would be absolutely thrilled to meet the legend!


When I began thinking about this, I had a design idea in which the supports would fold down and slide. As the design materialized, I came to the realization that my needs really did not require this and decided on a more permanent structure that was always on. That is not to say that the structure cannot be taken down in a few minutes, however, that is not really the intent. I wanted a very strong, vesatile top that would not bend or break like the factory top has in my experience.

I had these goals written down when I started:
1. Retro soft top with a military look and a flat back
2. Easy access to cargo on the sides and back
3. A strong structure- strong enough to support a rack if needed
4. Easy roll up sides and back
5. Versatile configurations: Bikini top only, soft pick-up truck (rescue style), full safari with sides rolled up (similar to Jeff's drawing above), and separate zippers for windows to be rolled up only.
6. Ability to easily add brackets, clamps, bolts, tabs, footman loops, etc for a myriad of custom add ons.
7. Use only factory holes for the entire project - no drilling.
8. Compatibility with a future custom roll cage for a taller, safer cage with more internal space. (more on that later)
9. Only straight zipper lines if at all possible for durability and ease of use.
10. Insure that it is as safe as possible in the event of a rollover or accident.


Here are a couple of pics from a year or so ago when we did a safari top mockup using some cheap fabric and velcro. We drove it all the way up to northern Arizona for the weekend and back and it did great. Sometimes, it is hard to really know what the issues will be without some experimentation. As a result of that drive, I then made more changes, adding a front support structure (which was planned) for the future bikini, changed the angle of the B and C pilars near the tub and mounting rail, and lowered the entire thing by a half an inch (This part was painful for such a small change but I wanted it perfect :yikes:).



More to come... :ylsmoke:


Oh sorry for the poor quality of those pics. It was taken with my old iphone 3gs. I now have a 4s so the new pics should be much clearer.

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