After some more 15-hour workdays we have finally something to show off. Here are some pictures of nearly finished build. Some painting jobs and siliconing still is needed to be done. Plus all the electrical stuff still needs to be organized that it will look as if somebody else has done the job and not me
Hope to get moving from here this Friday. Plan is now to start exploring Europe first as a test run for our truck. After a month or two we will ship it to Canada and from there we will be mostly south pound.
Our last jobs have been electrical and pluming. Has not been easy i must say. With little or no knowledge in this field it has been learning all those things as we progress with our build. We did put factory recommended fuses on every + wire. Running the wires has been easier then expected. Water system leaked at first from 7 different places
All is good today. No problems anymore.
Solar system has been working really well. With a total of 600W panels we are in 100% of batteries power again latest at 9-10 AM if its not that cloudy. Under Estonian sun (low) we have got out of them even here 350W of power. Batteries are charging on bulk charge with 14,7V and 30+Amps. With a Trimetric reader we have confirmed that we will be able to run our aircon easily 8 hours straight on max and still have after that prox 60% battery power left. Will be enjoying good cold summer nights under thick blanket I think
If somebody has any questions then let us know. We are making a website now for our trip and will be posting that adr. Here soon as its ready.