Yes, they make bits for that. Its pretty easy to do...just make sure you figure out where you want the tongue vs. groove between the various sheets.Can I "tongue and groove" my own plywood? Do I use a router, or what?
Can I "tongue and groove" my own plywood? Do I use a router, or what?
I may also need a router to put a nice consistent radius on all the outer edges...
I have never heard of that stuff. Thanks for the education. Well I guess most of the education was from the technical data sheet. So thanks for making me aware of this information.PL Premium is downright impressive.
Most tests prove it to be better than 75% of the strength of a good marine epoxy.
Where most people find trouble is assuming it will gap fill like epoxy.
It is USELESS as a filler of any sort. Adhesive it is. Glue it, clamp it (or fasten it well) and walk away for 24 hours.
Once cured it is as close to a permanent joint as you will find out of a single component caulk tube.
The entire skin->framing construction of my camper is PL Premium and stainless brads.
For the framing itself however, I used PL premium and pocket hole screws.
This eliminated the need for clamps, as well as the down time (for cure) between sections.
Worked a treat.
You can also make spline joints in plywood.
They wont subtract from dimensions as making T&G, laps or scarfs does
I hear ya can only put in so many 2 cents ?s I g h . . . . . why do I even try . . . ?
s I g h . . . . . why do I even try . . . ?