I decided to check out the 120 volt wiring in the module's action area. Naturally, nothing had any tags on it, but by shorting out the cable ends by the Vanner inverter, and using my trusty DMM, I found the old lines that had gone to the module's GFCI and then back to the Vanner. They were clipped and tossed. I left the convoluted tubing in case I need to pull more wiring to the action area. I found that one of the cables had been replaced at some time in the past, and the new cable was spliced to the existing with wire nuts-----wire nuts are a giant NO-NO in emergency vehicles, so I assume that the repair might have been done by an electrician, just not an emergency vehicle electrician. The splice was upgraded to a crimped connection, and all is now well with the world.
When I bought the buggy, I installed a new Panasonic AM/FM/CD/Sirius cab radio. It works fine, but the vehicle is loud enough at high way speeds that it's difficult to hear. I decided to see what the Freightliner dealer had in new radios - last spring, their parts guy told me that they buy AM/FM/CD radios by the pallet since they have a short life in trucks, and that they price them accordingly. I checked, and I was able to pick up a Panasonic AM/FM/CD radio (with a remote control!) for $105. Is it last year's model? Beats me - I'm not a trend-setter in vehicle entertainment devices. The new radio will go into the cab, and the one I removed will be transplanted to the module. I can move the TRAM satellite radio antenna to the module easily, and the module already has speakers that are now connected to the cab radio.
I've been debating what kind of a cook top to install. Since it's primary purpose is to qualify the vehicle as an RV, I didn't want to buy a $400 marine unit, so I settled for a Suburban RV 2 burner cooktop with match ignition. $120 versus $400 - a difficult decision.... The $120 cooktop was delivered today, so I can do all the measuring to build the drawer that will hold it. The drawer will be made from 1/2" Baltic Birch, with white Formica on the sides and 16/18 gauge brushed stainless on the top and up the rear backsplash. The drawer will slide on standard emergency vehicle stainless slides.