You're welcome. Some days, not a lot gets done, and on other days, things actually happen. I'd prefer to do some research before I start building, because I'd probably just be reinventing the wheel.
The one golden rule of this kind of a hobby is to take lots of photos. I've wound up with enough digital cameras over the years that I keep one in the garage and one in my workshop. I've been known to reach under something with a camera and try a photo instead of using a mirror, and it usually works. I've done the same when I wanted to see what I had for structure in the buggy, so I reached over a partition and took a few photos - the photo answered the questions I had just fine.
Plus, when you take something apart, a photo improves your chances of successful reassembly a whole lot.
And the other fact of life is to plan on having extra parts when you finish part of the project (I have a "hobby" that's made up of projects...). AC parts that are for a different model, switches that you bought but couldn't find, they all become a Johnny Cash Cadillac when you're done.
But those errors in purchasing also give you trading material, so it's not all bad....
Have fun!