CA Ammo changes on the gov's desk

Dave Bennett

His original post was edited by Ed. He was expressing his displeasure with California and it was on point. I am sure next time he post, he will clear it with you for it's content and topic.

Never saw the original post.

The thing is, people LOVE to bash "California"... but not everyone who lives here is a left wing nutjob. In fact, most people are pretty cool. It's the politico's who are to blame.

Trust me, no one is more unhappy with the slant here than I, I'm not from California but I have to put up with it's restrictions while I live here...
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Dave Bennett



My email to the Governator:

I am an Active Duty Military (Navy) member currently serving in Afghanistan, stationed out of San Diego, CA. I just read about California Assembly Bill 962, the proposed legislation that will ban the mail order / internet sale of ammunition and limit purchase quantities. My brothers are over here fighting to defend the constitution of the United States of America and our freedoms, meanwhile politicians are back in the safety and comfort of their homes fighting to restrict my freedoms upon my return home. This angers and frustrates me greatly.

I hope you will see the futility and pointlessness of this legislation, and veto this bill.

Gun control is not about guns. It is about control.
"If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns".

Very Respectfully,
OS1 James Franks
US Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit Three
Joint Task Force Paladin, Kandahar Afghanistan


The people that came up with these bills (there's one on the ammo and another to stop having gun shows at the Cow Palace in San Francisco) are either brain-dead or delusional. Neither of these will stop anyone from getting guns or ammo, the'll just head for the local hood and find it, just like they do with drugs. All the thousands of drug laws in the US and it still finds it way over the border, and now they're even growing it in the hills, in state and federal parks, national forests, etc.

Dave Bennett

Cabelas to stop selling ammo in CA

Cabela’s recently circulated a letter stating that if Governor Schwarzenegger doesn’t veto pending legislation in California, Cabela’s will no longer sell ammunition to California customers.
Cabela’s has no retail outlets in California. California Assembly Bill 962, which Schwarzenegger must veto by October 11, states that ammunition can only be sold “in a face-to-face transaction.” Cabella’s has been shipping to California customers via remote transactions (internet, phone, etc.)
A source at Cabela’s declined to say how much ammunition normally ships to California, but said they have “many good customers” there.
The only good news is that this ammunition will be redirected to states which still recognize that the Second Amendment is about functioning firearms: guns with ammunition. So there may be some easing of the persistent shortage elsewhere.
Beginning on February 1, 2011, AB 962 requires retailers to create a registry of all ammunition buyers–and therefore all gun owners–by doing such things as:
· Obtain the buyer’s thumbprint.
· Record the buyer’s driver’s license information.
· Transaction records must be kept by retailer “for a period of not less than five years from the date of the recorded transfer.”
· Records “shall be subject to inspection at any time during normal business hours by any peace officer…”

This bill admits that its purpose is to create new crimes.
The Brady Campaign claims this is bill “seeks to prevent gun violence by reducing the easy access to ammunition by criminals, gang members, the dangerously mentally ill and other persons prohibited form [sic] possessing firearms and ammunition.” As with all gun control, this about being seen to be “doing something about crime.”
This is very curious, because the next article will show that California stands among the few remaining criminal-friendly states by ensuring that decent folk can’t defend themselves.
California’s “assault weapons” law, passed in 1989, resulted in confiscation of heretofore legal guns owned by heretofore law-abiding citizens. So California already has a history of using registration records to unilaterally initiate confiscation. Australia and the United Kingdom used registration records to confiscate firearms, following enactment of their gun bans.
AB 962 won’t stop drug gangs–which have established, successful smuggling conduits into the state–from simply adding ammunition to their shopping lists. The United Kingdom, surrounded by ocean, has seen an increase in “gun crime” since enacting a nearly-total gun ban in 1997. It’s hard to see how California can secure its borders better than the UK.

For those still battling to turn the tide of anti-self defense proponents in California, please contact Governor Schwarzenegger.
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Email: Visit

Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
This is an important thread dealing with a frightening scenario that could easily creep eastward from California if it becomes law.

However, as a moderator I'm here to address this sarcastic post:

His original post was edited by Ed. He was expressing his displeasure with California and it was on point. I am sure next time he post, he will clear it with you for it's content and topic.

The original post employed a common verb beginning with the letter "f," which the poster knows full well is not allowed here, even in cute cryptic forms. In an attempt to keep things lighthearted, we substitute nonsensical phrases for such bile.

I infer from 7wt's response that he's one of those folks who tries to connect the public use of foul language with the 1st Amendment.

Spare me.

Does anyone here truly believe the founding fathers of this country penned the 1st Amendment to protect your perceived right to spew obscenities in public? If you'd done so in their time, you probably would have been flogged, and if you'd done so in front of a lady, you likely would have found yourself bleeding out in a field at dawn the next morning with a rapier through your liver.

If you insist on your "right" to such language, there are unfortunately many public forums where it's not only tolerated, but embraced. If it's too difficult or odious for you to adhere to our standards, you're welcome to leave and call us Nazis.

As Dave implied, this discussion will be far more relevant if we stick to the topic, rather than indulging in facile broad-stroked insults against an entire state.


Yes, fingers crossed he has his veto stamp ready to roll. I tried calling the number and still getting nothing but a busy signal. Must be running on a single inbound line with the budget these days.

Is anyone else outraged that these legislators, our legislators, are coming up with 700.. 700 ways to screw the common folk? We literally have no money, yet they continue to create what seem like random bills that are beyond ridiculous and our state could never afford.

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