Cabinet build materials


Gotta Be Nuts
Although you said no wood, this is what we did in the truck in our avatar. The entire shell is foam cored composite. For most of the interior structural walls we used 30mm honeycomb cored composite panels. Super light and very strong. For most of the remaining it was mostly baltic birch 1/2" ply skinned with the fiberglass skins removed from the composite panel cutouts. The birch isn't the lightest but after 4+ years of fulltime use it still looks like new inside.

Since this truck will be outside of the USA for the foreseeable future (and we don't own a house back in the USA, where we're from) we embarking on a second truck camper build (never thought I would build a second one) for our visits home. Since our current truck interior has worked well for us I'm planning on using many of the same materials and technics for this one.

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