Calico Cleanup Feb17/18


New member
Hey Scott & everyone,
Just wanted to let you guys know that the L.A. County T.L.C.A. is setting up a cleanup weekend for the Calico area in Feb. If your interested in helping out, post up.
Thanks Ron Q.
Here is the info. copied from our forum in IH8MUD.

TLCA L.A. County is in the early and initial planning stages for a trip to Calico. Our goal is to assist and work in cooperation with BLM to do a clean up through Mule, Doran, and Odessa Canyon while enjoying some fun and challenging wheeling. There will be a variety of trails to tackle for stock rigs and for those modified rigs looking for some weekend enjoyment, while volunteering to clean up one of our favorite areas trashed by the undesirables.

Calico is a historic and incredible mining area that has a ton of scenic areas to explore. If you have never been to Calico, it's a must to experience the old time western era.

We would seriously like to make this a joint effort for success with all Land Cruiser chapters or clubs such as So Cal, Gold Coast, Tierra Del Sol, So Cal 80's, FJ Cruisers, and those individuals not affiliated with a club. There are a few Jeeper clubs that have also offered to help contribute to this cause and enjoyment from our trip a couple of weeks ago.

BLM's budget is stretched super thin and they could really use some help in this area. To off set some costs, Burrtech Waste Industries has offered to provide (2) roll off containers for the trash and debris that we gather. Maybe a raffle???


12/12 Update


I met with Discovery Trails and BLM today to identify and determine the approved staging area, roll off dumpster location, specific trails and the areas that require our volunteer time and energy.

The attached map below identifies two of the three areas that need attention, including Doran, Odessa, and Mule Canyon. The third area which is not shown is Silver Bow Mine Road and it's west of Bismarck Canyon. Only the letters on the map mentioned below identify areas of concern for this clean up and the areas that have a completed enviromental impact report for our effort. This has been completed.

Staging Area
(A) on the west side of the trail

Roll off Dumpster
(A) Across from staging area at base of Mule Canyon

Area #1 Mule Canyon
(A-F) and (I-M)

Area #2 Odessa and Bismarck Canyon

Area #3 Silver Bow Mine Road

Discovery Trails has offered to provide trash bags and operate their 14' dump truck to remove any filled trash bags or items recovered at the side of the accessible trails back to the roll off dumpster at staging. Areas requiring 4wd access, we will need to transport the bags and items to an accessible area for him to remove the trash. It's their belief that we will only need one roll off dumpster.

Discovery Trails will also arrange to have (2) uniformed San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputies and a BLM ranger patrol our areas on quads and in a marked 4wd patrol vehicle in the shooting areas to ensure our safety. They are also E.M.T.'s and will be available in case we needs a band-aid.

This clean up effort so far has had great response from several land cruiser, TTORA, jeep, and SBNF adopt-a-trail members alike. I believe that the amount of participation mentioned will make a difference cleaning up an area that has been considered for closure because of the on-going abuse.

A raffle was considered to offset some of the costs and to give back to Discovery Trails. Is there any interest?

I welcome any comments, questions, or concerns for this joint volunteer effort.
Some great companies have stepped up with donations for our raffle. So far we have the following companies.

Vendors, Thank you for your donations. Profits from the raffle will be donated to Discovery trails who is donating supplies and a dump truck to remove trash & the Rubicon Trail Fund.
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I go to that area quite a lot so I'm going to do my part, in addition one of the guys organizing it is a mog guy (Alan Draper) so he asked me to help out as mogs are really useful for hauling/dragging the heavy stuff.

Last time i was up in that area there was a number of dumped cars, car parts, lots of metal used for target practice, shells everywhere and lots of other rubbish. In general it really is a mess out there and if we don't clean it up then ultimately we lose it.

It'll be a fun weekend and the more the merrier.



New member
Just talked to Brian of Swayaway and they are on board with the Cleanup!!!

Pat of Revtek has also confirmed a cool raffle prize!!!



wow. i just signed up on this board. and yall are headed out there. too. i have a friend who is flying in from the east coast to help out with the clean up. i was planning on going too. i didnt know it was going to be so many people. very cool. see ya there! - hobie


Expedition Poseur
hobie said:
wow. i just signed up on this board. and yall are headed out there. too. i have a friend who is flying in from the east coast to help out with the clean up. i was planning on going too. i didnt know it was going to be so many people. very cool. see ya there! - hobie

Aw value just dropped.

Sell the BMW yet?

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