We left our deserted beach camp after a few days and headed for the other side of the Azuerro Peninsula. We landed in Playa Vennao where we camped behind a beach front hotel and had a couple of fun surf sessions.

We went exploring further out to the tip of the peninsula looking for some uncrowded surf and wild camping. We timed a swell, but the weather didn't cooperate and we ended up hustling our way back to civilization for fear of being trapped and possibly washed away by the rising water level in the rivers.
That marks the turning point in our trip. The southern end of the Azuero Peninsula is the furthest south that one can drive without crossing the Darrien Gap and is the southern most point of our trip.
We were considering going to Panama City, but we had both been there before and I spotted a swell in the Caribbean, so we crossed the country heading to Bocas del Toro. We saw another cool sloth along the way.

Inorder to get to the Island with a car you must take a ferry. You can not repurchase tickets for the ferry in advance and the line to get on the morning boat starts forming the day before, so we had to park in line and sleep on the street in a sketchy town were we saw several drug deals, plenty of intoxicated guys wondering around, and a couple domestic dispute shouting matches in the street. We happened to be parked next to a gas station and bar where we met a lovely couple of girls from the states. They had been sailing charters on their tall ship and were currently stuck here with their boat out of the water doing repairs. We all enjoyed the company and a few beers before Amie and I returned to our car for a poor nights sleep.
We made it on the ferry the next morning and saw this sticker advertising the services provided on this bus.

On arrival we went strait to a break called Paunch for some fun surf. Amie didn't want to dance across the urchin covered reef to get in the water, but I think she had a good time on the beach

The island was beautiful and we got a second swell a couple days later before the ocean went flat. The swells had turned up the water making for poor diving, so once the swell was gone we decided to leave too.
The ferry back to the mainland doesn't arrive until evening, so we had to spend another night in that town. Lucky we got in contact with our new sailer friends and got to park in the boat yard. Here we are next to their ship.