Camp Coffee Option for those that use Kuerig K Cups


I don't drink coffee, but my fiance can't live without it and loves the Keurig I bought her for xmas a couple of years ago. I was thinking how to make sure my honey gets her fix this weekend and wondered if anyone made a manual K-Cup press. Well, they do and it works great. Just got it in the mail from Amazon and ran a couple of cups through it. Awesome machine and I think she'll like it!

You can also use coffee packs and a ground coffee adapter if that is what's available. This is going into our chuck box for sure!


Amazon link to Cafejo My French Press K-Cup brewer.


wow hard to beat that for the price. I hardly drink coffee but a few K-cups and one of these would be nice to have on hand. Thanks for the post!


Well, have to report back after using it this weekend while on a camping trip in South Georgia.

The little blade that pierces the K-Cup fell out or broke off. This weekend I had to manually poke a hole in it and it didn't work 100% as designed. Other than missing the blade it worked great; insert cup in the holder, attach to the base, boil water, pour it in, slowly press the sealed insert and poof, coffee!

So here's the best part, I submitted a return to Amazon this morning, and they credited back the cost of the unit and said don't return it. I then sent an email to the manufacture and explained to them what happened, and they are sending me a new cup holder with a blade. So double score for me! The wife was happy to have her coffee this weekend, even if it was a minor adventure!


Expedition Leader
Pretty cool. I do k-cups at home. On the road I've been grinding my beans and using a melitta but being kind of clumsy it sometimes gets messy. This would solve that problem.

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