Camp Towel Recomendations


So we got to try out the towels this past weekend on a quick trip down to Shenandoah NP. They worked pretty well. It's a *weird* feeling drying off with the towels but it's quick enough. They dried ridiculously fast (even at around 45 degrees) and packed nice and small. So far, so good. We'll see how the longevity thing goes. I'll try to report back as we use them.


Mr. Snappy

Sea to summit. They aren't the cheapest, but the work great, don't get funky, dry fast, and pack down small.


No "expo" towels for me - I have some inexpensive khaki colored towels from WalMart that I use for camping. They don't show dirt and cost so little that it doesn't bother me if they get ruined or have to be employed as shop rags.

I dont even go that cheap...I buy a new set of BATH SHEETS (62" x 30") every spring for $10 each..they get washed when we get home...used at the house in normal rotation..and go back when we camp...and I tell my wife to just DEAL...

little story...we went to Hunting Island south carolina for a WEEK with our 5 kids and 2 we were packing I packed one of HER good bath sheets in my kit..she pitched a fit..and TOOK IT OUT OF MY BAG WITHOUT TELLING ME....what she didnt know was that she also took ALL of my pants/shorts and undergarments out of my bag...I had ONE pair of underware and ONE pair of shorts for a WEEK....and NO F'n TOWEL...

she now doesnt touch my packed bags...and I dont go breaking fingers...everybodys happy...

and I buy towels...and tell her NO TOUCH...

BE COMFY....lifes short...

Rezarf <><

I scored a bunch of the Packtowl's when a local sporting goods store was shutting down. I don't think I would have splurged at the regular price but if any get destroyed or lost from now on, I'll gladly pony up the coin. Small, compact, great TOWELS, easy to clean, fast drying, store nearly anywhere and they have a snap built in to hang them up.

I bought like four of the Large towels and one XXL, and they are a luxury that I won't give up now. They do have the slick/tacky feel when drying off but man they work well.

FWIW, buying the packtowls and camp pillows (inflatable variety) have drastically reduced the bulk in our packing for a family of 5.


OverCamping Specialist
I bought a few of those PackTowls of washcloths and two bath towels.
I have not used them yet, but I like how small they pack, and I hear nothing but things about them.


New member
I agree with the colors for the Innova towels...not the best. They did make a more dark baby blue at one point, but the last few tourneys I haven't seen that color, just the newer ones. The DGA towel I do like, but I play a lot on the weekends sometimes as early as 8 am I/We are teeing off. When there is a lot of dew on the ground I tuck the DGA towel into my waistline on my shorts and use that to dry off my hands before I tee. I keep the microfiber attached to my bag to use only to keep my discs dry. But I don't use the DGA towel on my bag at is too long for that.
The only reason I do have a LOT of the Innova towels is that when you cash out at tourneys, and the disc selection SUCKS at some you have to use the $ somewhere, so towels it is. I usually just change out every round.
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I’m quite fond of my McNett tactical towel. This but big and effective. Silver treatment keeps it smelling ok.

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