Camper and Truck Photos


Disgustingly nasty rig right there. Wow. I would think that would lead to every current Chevy CEO getting a pink slip for breakfast after looking at what some modern engineering can do to some old iron. Sorry about your friend.

Cataraft in the bg?


1995 F-150, 2001 Starcraft 8'.


Here is a good picture of the camper's best feature. The full size door.

Interesting, my palomino has the full size door like that but the upper wall around it folds accordion style. I don't see the middle hinge on yours so I assume yours must disconnect at the top or bottom.


Interesting, my palomino has the full size door like that but the upper wall around it folds accordion style. I don't see the middle hinge on yours so I assume yours must disconnect at the top or bottom.

The upper wall on the Starcraft campers also folds down. You can't see the hindge in that pict but you can see it in mine. There are clips at the top of the upper wall that hold it to the roof and a clip that attaches the upper and lower portions of the door.



The upper wall on the Starcraft campers also folds down. You can't see the hindge in that pict but you can see it in mine. There are clips at the top of the upper wall that hold it to the roof and a clip that attaches the upper and lower portions of the door.


The door is like that on mine,but my wall is hinged at the top and bottom and middle. Makes it pretty weak. I'm going to see now if a wall like that will clear the lift arms.


A few pics of my truck with the '94 Hallmark Ute 8.5' camper I just picked up. Stayed in it the night I picked it up and loved it!! Notice the tall door, which is NICE!! Did some light wheeling to get to a trialhead and it seemed OK. Planning to add solar to charge the batts, and city water hookup with a two handle faucet. Needs some work where the jacks mount up too... Plywood is soft. I revised the front tie downs so they are inside the bed, like a FWC. Not much room for the rear one in the bed unfortunately, so it'll grab the bumper.




mine had the tie downs on the jack mounts like that. I drilled and bolted in U bolts a couple feet forward to use the in bed tie downs. I bought 4 U bolts and used the nuts and flat bar from two to double up the others, flatbar and nuts on the inside and outside of the plywood.


T 100 and flip-pac

Hi All,

I'm new to form , but not to camping or adventure trucking or biking .
Just got back from a week in Death Valley on my XR650l ,:bike_rider: also have 4 other bikes and three of them are dual-sport too!
This is my first post and hope my pics come though ?

I got the T100 a few months ago and the flip-pac a couple weeks ago .:wings: They both need some work . I've been wanting a flippac for about 15 years ever since I first saw one ! The T100 need new heads , the flippac need the roof repaired . Someone had torn a roof rack off the top along with the tie down arms that go to the hood and it had holes in it ? I used some expanding foam and Bondo and fiberglass repair to fix it ? Then made my own lock down arms because flippac didn't have them and they didn't call me back ? Then made a couple rods to pick up flippac and put on truck ? Also just picked up a carpet kit that will help make it nice and homie ?:sombrero:



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Well-known member
Got out for our first shakedown trip and had a good time. Our new to us, '97 Ram 2500 and '04 FWC Grandby X.





Just brought this one home yesterday. We really want another FWC, had one 4 years ago and absolutely loved it, we were dumb and sold it, and now it's next to impossible to find one this side of the mississippi. In the interim though we need something, and wanted to have enough time to prep it for our Canada trip in August, so after much debate I emailed the seller of this one, in Ohio(!), and this weekend made the trip to get it. It's an 85 model, but seems super-solid, and though it's well used, everything seems to be in good, serviceable condition. We'll probably add a 12V fridge to replace the icebox, maybe update the lighting, tweak a few things, but overall I think it'll do just fine while we continue the hunt for a FWC Eagle or ATC Bobcat.

Some trip stats: 24 hours, 700 miles, 40 gallons of 87 octane, 5 states, and 1 deer.....:truck: Luckily the uber-bumper took the hit like a champ and spared the truck from damage, but bambi was killed instantly. It looks like it may have cracked a weld, but I won't know til I sand some more of the paint off.

Well, here she is:



Still undecided if I want to add airbags or not. I probably will, especially since it'll have more weight when loaded, but it didn't squat anywhere near as much as I expected it to.


Just brought this one home yesterday. We really want another FWC, had one 4 years ago and absolutely loved it, we were dumb and sold it, and now it's next to impossible to find one this side of the mississippi. In the interim though we need something, and wanted to have enough time to prep it for our Canada trip in August, so after much debate I emailed the seller of this one, in Ohio(!), and this weekend made the trip to get it. It's an 85 model, but seems super-solid, and though it's well used, everything seems to be in good, serviceable condition. We'll probably add a 12V fridge to replace the icebox, maybe update the lighting, tweak a few things, but overall I think it'll do just fine while we continue the hunt for a FWC Eagle or ATC Bobcat.

Some trip stats: 24 hours, 700 miles, 40 gallons of 87 octane, 5 states, and 1 deer.....:truck: Luckily the uber-bumper took the hit like a champ and spared the truck from damage, but bambi was killed instantly. It looks like it may have cracked a weld, but I won't know til I sand some more of the paint off.

Still undecided if I want to add airbags or not. I probably will, especially since it'll have more weight when loaded, but it didn't squat anywhere near as much as I expected it to.

Carl!!! Congrats on the Skamper! haha. Guess when you saw mine your couldn't resist! :sombrero: j/k. Looking forward to seeing your mods and hearing your opinions. I just got done with a 2000 mile road trip to SW Utah. Hammered the truck and camper with over 200miles of dirt adventures and it held up great.

Glad the dear didn't to much damage. Hope all is well and hit me up next time you are on this side of the country.

Finatic Angler

Just brought this one home yesterday. We really want another FWC, had one 4 years ago and absolutely loved it, we were dumb and sold it, and now it's next to impossible to find one this side of the Mississippi.

It is amazing how hardit is to find one east of the Mississippi. I have been looking for almost 2 years now.

Good luck with your new camper.


GpnAZ's PW & camper

First picture is offroading through the pines in Northern Arizona. Second picture is on Ahlstrom's Point, Lake Powell, Utah. Third picture was taken on top of Double Crater (360 degree view)in the Cinder OHV Park by Sunset Crater National Monument, Arizona. I sure don't get enough pictures of some of the awesome places I've camped.


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