I'm building my trailer currently to the fact of you stated along with personal pleasure use: fly fishing, hunting, trapping & off grid camping. 100% off grid is what I am going for. I sold my Norwood "Nash" 5th Wheel for the issues that its limited to back country camping, but I had it set up for off grid too. I like what you have listed and agree there is no better way than being prepared no matter what the situation is, man made or mother nature. Food, Water, Medical, Shelter, Communications, Security, & Faith is what I go off of in life. You can only live 3 days w\o water (drinkable) after that your life is done, 3 weeks w\o food, 1st week will suck, all the others are just as important, Faith, I'm a Christian and w\o faith you will have a difficult time dealing with a ugly situation like a crisis.
Simple rule here; 3 is 2, 2 is 1, 1 is none. Items to have, one breaks, goes bad, lost or stolen you have a replacement. If you just had the one, then you have none.
I have purchased my camping gear for dual purpose: personal pleasure use & preparedness SHTF situation. My trailer I'm building is all solar as of charging system, 1 stationary 100 watt Renogy panel & 1 portable Renogy Suit Case 100 watt panel. Water Purification System is a Sawyer Gravity system w\extra filters, Cooler Fridg\Freez Engel 34 Qt.12v, & K2 70 dry cooler along with a Canyon Scout small dry cooler, 12v Mighty Cool MK3 portable A\C. All my flashlights are AA batteries, which I have a small portable solar charger that charges D's, C's, AA's & AAA's. I am installing a mobile CB 40 channel radio (in the tongue box) w\4ft antenna on the tent rack of the trailer, radio is a survival style solar, hand crank, battery (AA's) & 110 electrical powered. The list is endless, food is important (the right foods), security is just as important too. Items to cut firewood, split it, items to have when propane, batteries & other perishable's recourses are gone. Most of these items with the exception of the Renogy Solar System I already had from my 5th wheel & being in the preparedness life style in my home.
One thing to remember is, you can not pack the entire house (you will go crazy if you try), so the important items to survive a crisis is what is more important like the list I mention food, water, medical, communications, shelter, security & faith. I like to think of the "Grey Man" scenario aka do not draw attention to you, noise, smell, appearance will only get you in trouble (the rolling Wal-Mart sign). Conceal your supplies (out of sight out of mind) by blending in with the crowd before or during an emergency will make your chances of survival higher with less attention. The unprepared aka sheep or zombies will go to any lengths to get what you have in a post SHTF situation. Once a crisis happens everything thing off the shelf will be gone in a blink of an eye. No better time to start than now.