Camping with a weapon


If the anti-gunners can just stay out of these threads then they'd last a lot longer. If you reckon a gun isn't necessary while camping then just move on to the next thread :coffee:


I carry always. It's not out of fear, but out of personal responsibility. Some assume that someone else will save them, rescue them, defend them. I'll take care of myself. I've shot a copperhead that was closer than I care to be near to. I could have stepped away, but there were kids in the campground and maybe they wouldn't have seen it. within 20 minutes, those same kids hiked up the trail right where I shot it. I put down a large dog that had been run over and was critically injured. I shot a deer that had been hit by a truck and it's back was broke. At times I've camped places where other people came and partied, getting drunk and doing drugs. I was glad I was armed in the case that they lost all inhibitions and decided to go mess with the other campers (which I've had happen as well).

I also carry an axe in the back of my truck in case I come up on a fallen tree.90% of the time, it's not used, but I've made trips where I came up on a tree and didn't want to have to turn around and find another route, so I chopped it in half and pulled it out of the way and kept going.

In both cases I had the tool I needed to solve the problem before me.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
If the anti-gunners can just stay out of these threads then they'd last a lot longer. If you reckon a gun isn't necessary while camping then just move on to the next thread :coffee:
I don't know about that. I think some people start these threads genuinely trying to flush out honest arguments for and against bringing a weapon into the woods. I also think some posters come to these threads trying to force their opinion on others, and that's not so great.

As just another backcountry user - no, I don't carry. Never felt the need.


My thoughts on carrying a weapon while camping...

I don't think about it. My gun is always there. It's there when I go to the supermarket, its next to me at home while I'm sleeping, its pretty much with me all the time unless I'm in a federal building or at an airport.

I don't carry it with the expectation that I will have to use it one day. God willing I will never have to use it for anything more than hunting or plinking however...

If the day ever comes where I do need it, I know it's there and I would much rather live with whatever repercussions come from that, whether it's dealing with a Fish & Game officer over killing a bear or other wild beast, or law enforcement because of a deranged Charlie Manson wanna be than dead.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
The OP just posted a question asking who carried. To me I don't see the need to provide judgmental opinionated responses from either side.

Questions asked, answer given:

Yes I carry when camping.


No I do not carry when camping.



Expedition Leader
If the anti-gunners can just stay out of these threads then they'd last a lot longer. If you reckon a gun isn't necessary while camping then just move on to the next thread :coffee:

X2. I don't carry because I can't anymore. Too many regulations with the neighboring states I frequent. When I lived in Texas, I wouldn't be without one or all of my trusty side irons. Here in the Northeast, I have to be content with my tomahawk. I can ruin worlds with it.


SE Expedition Society
.357 or 40 all the time when not at work (Navy Base) + 1 in the glove box and another in the tent. I hope to never use them but if I do, 2-300 rds a week ensure my type of gun control ...


That is awesome that you were able to see so many cats on a single hike. Almost too difficult to believe actually....But, hey good for you! On this merit alone you've surpassed the number of sightings that even the most active outdoor person might glimpse in a lifetime. You're were very fortunate to see them.
But, aside from the TV renditions you've mentioned, does this "mother with cubs" scenario create the fear that has you carrying a gun?

I know that is hard to believe. I saw 3 jump onto a large pile of rocks. As I got closer a 4th one jumped out of the ditch next to the trail/forest road I was walking on. I dont have a fear I just like to be prepared. I am one of the people that see things randomly that others spend time trying to find. I have seen 3 other mountain lions. 2 of them were walking in the street by my parents house (they live on a small mountain). I have seen 4 gila monsters and 2 desert tortoises. I do hunt bear and have seen what one can do to a dog in a couple seconds first hand.

I dont think people who carry a gun have a fear, they just like to be prepared

Do people who wear seatbelts have a fear of driving? Most no, they just like to be prepared.
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yep...i wear a seatbelt every time i drive. I've never been in an accident.

I also carry my .40 everywhere I legally can. I've never had to use it for anything other than target practice and I hope I never need to. But if I do, I'll be prepared.

As far as camping goes, if I carry it with me to walmart or church, why would I take it off to go camping? :)


Expedition Trophy Winner
Don't carry on a regular basis, have 2 dogs to either scare off who/whatever, or be the meal, either way works for me.

I carried shotguns when I went to Alaska, camping in heavy bear country. One round of buckshot & then 4 rounds to slugs, never needed them.

Used to carry a .40 cal while camping in the lower 48, but in 15+ years never had a need to use it (numerous encounters with animals and people, but none that warranted even considering a gun), so now that I have (my educated) kids around, with their (uneducated) friends, the risk of an accident outweighs the risk of protection - we no longer go places where there is anything but minimal risk of a bad wildlife encounter. I think if we went somewhere like Glacier or Alaska, I'd consider carrying, but no plans for that any time in the near future :(

Sometimes we go to our cabin outside Tahoe, we bring an arsenal because it's fun to target shoot, but I don't think beer cans, watermelons, and paper plates are what we're worried about here :)

I think everyone has a right to do what they want. I've been on both sides of the argument, and I wouldn't be offended at all if I ran into someone carrying, in fact I think it would be a great opportunity to help educate my kids on the discussion so when they go out on their own, they can make an intelligent choice on what they are comfortable with.


I am an avid hunter so I always have a side arm at a minimum with me along with my Compound bow and sometimes my shotgun. I usually do a little traget shooting when camping with my bow I love to shoot. My reason for fire arm in camp is PROTECTION. Usually we are up in Kern county where they are tons of bears and mountain lions. I read stories all the time about hikers getting mauled by mountain lions and I always ask my self why not carey a gun. I would never take my teenage kids for a walk in the middle of the woods without protection. I recently purchase a new hiking/hunting pack from Bass Pro that has a built in firearms holster. Doesn't interfere with anything you can still carry your gear but it gives me the safety of knowing my side arm is right there not in my back pack that does me absolutely no good.


Expedition Leader
I have to ask

why do we have the same thread with a diferent title every month ?

Basicly if you actually ever leave the US

you will only be "armed" with common sence and a smile

its your choice to use or not.

Unless with the military

There are lots of gun forums to tout your latest chrome extensions

Meanwhile in Alaska and some other mountainous states yep ...

you might need bear spray

or a mosy candle

The "hills have eyes" is a film !



Never owned a gun and have been camping all my life.

I'm going to Labrador and Newfoundland with my 2 yr old son at the end of the month through the bear and wolf zone.

I am now the owner of a Mossberg 590A1. Not scared in the slightest and I agree with all of the anti-firearm philosophical arguments.


There are places that I have blissfully gone and things that I have done by myself that I would never do with my kids. I find myself much more willing to compromise my sensibilities than their safety.


New member
When im not camping I always have my Glock 26 on me.
When I am camping I will always have either my S&W 500 or my Mossberg 590a1 on or near me.

This past weekend I went camping and there were small children around. On a small hiking/scouting trip near our camp we found numerous bear tracks in the area where there "shouldn't" be any bears. This is just one of the reasons to always be prepared.


This is for those who fear it wont happen to them. I am certain these people may have thought the same thing.,233500

Regardless how many times a thread has been created, someone is asking for a reason. Lets not me insensitive towards others. I have thought of this topic a few times and wondered the same question. Yes of course if we leave the continent of the U.S. then most of us will not be taking our fire arms with us. I guess thats why I choose to camp right here in the U.S.A. and not anywhere else. Its much better to be prepared than to be the topic of a FAIL thread!

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