Campsite bug solutions?


I'm not badly bothered by mozzies until it gets hard to breathe and then I'll deet up pretty heavily but these days I'm out with the kids and they don't enjoy being out as much when they are all bug bitten. I've been looking at some of the products out there. Thermacell is all over the place with their butane or candle heated products. They seem to work pretty well in a close radius of the device on days with not much wind. Bug coils do the same and I use them just for ambiance. The smell reminds me of camping as a kid. They are probably not great for kids to breathe but my generation seems to have survived them. Lately there has been a lot of 'buzz' around here about spraying plain old Listerine all around. I haven't tried but it is supposed to keep the malaria monsters at bay. At least their breath will be fresh when they kiss you.



Thanks-I think I'll check out the spray fogger-it might look a little weird if I was lugging the propane fogger around :Wow1:


We used to live in a townhouse that backed to a junkyard (nice, right?). It made for lots of places for water to collect and mosquitoes to flourish. This product did a pretty good job minimizing them in our yard. I guess you would have to pour it into a garden sprayer to use it in the woods. Other than that, DEET, DEET, and some more DEET.



I've used Yard Guard while in Florida but it only works if the wind is calm and it only lasts for a few hours. Overall I'd say it was a waste of time but if you have a fancy dinner planned with a group of people it might be the one thing that makes the dinner really pleasant.

I also camped in the Keys once and we took 10 tiki torches and filled them with citronella and surrounded the camp - that worked pretty good but you still had to put deet on your skin.



Black Flag Propane Fogger

We purchased this propane fogger and it works fantastic!
If you hate mosquitos as bad as we do, you might want to pick one of these foggers up​


If its just bugs attracted to your lights , try changing your bulbs to a yellow colour , or wrap a yellow dish-cloth ( chux ) around it .



New member
I know it sounds weird, but Avon makes a product called Skin So Soft. It is lotion that doesn't smell to fragrant, but repels mosquitos. Also for some reason most bugs do not like dryer sheets. I always spread them around my tent and keep a few in my pockets.

Weird yes, but they work!


Expedition Trophy Winner
I know it sounds weird, but Avon makes a product called Skin So Soft. It is lotion that doesn't smell to fragrant, but repels mosquitos. Also for some reason most bugs do not like dryer sheets. I always spread them around my tent and keep a few in my pockets.

Weird yes, but they work!

x2 on Skin so soft

Also, eat lots of garlic, that's always been my thing. Also had some success with the clip-on mosquito repellents.


I have not tried this but someone said it works since she has been doing it for years to keep the bugs away in Manitoba. She said to take listerene and mix it with some water and put it into a spray bottle, then spray the ground around you where you are sitting and its supposed to keep the bugs away. She said to alos spray it around the parimeter of a door (or tent opening) to keep the bugs from coming inside. She swears by it and says it works wonders.


I have not tried this but someone said it works since she has been doing it for years to keep the bugs away in Manitoba. She said to take listerene and mix it with some water and put it into a spray bottle, then spray the ground around you where you are sitting and its supposed to keep the bugs away. She said to alos spray it around the parimeter of a door (or tent opening) to keep the bugs from coming inside. She swears by it and says it works wonders.

I'll just add that the Mosquitoes in Northern Manitoba are worse than I have encountered anywhere else. Alaska was second and West Africa was third. I'm going to try the mouthwash.

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