campsite pics..lets see um

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader

Sunset Isle RV Park in Cedar Key Florida. Not really roughing it by any stretch, but still a Camp Site photo


lost on the mainland
over to

good info :)
I sleep in a hammock full time my back has never been better but I also learned a long time ago in Honduras when I lived there how to sleep in them also in Hawaii I slept in them a lot
never really knew about proper insulation till I researched more since I was a tropical guy :) but now even in freezing weather toasty warm when camping

biggest thing is proper setup and proper insulation and learning to lay in it diagonal or get bridge style setup

off the ground but you need trees or set up your rig so you need one tree even ways to have no tree setups if one wants :)

in a bed I had to toss and turn and sleep on my side and then on back and back and forth in a hammock never feel the need to flop around :)

I've alway been curious about Hammock and what kond of sleep I could get in one, since I have a tendancy to tuen from back to side to side, but never on my belly.

When you sleep in a hammock, can you turn or are you stuck on your back? I guess that you need to place a ground matress for insulation purpose since your sleeping bag is flatten and loose all effective insulation. How hard is it to get in your sleeping bag??


Had the rain fly off so we could see the stars that night.

I have never slept in it without the rainfly on, mainly because we have only used it for long trips in CO, at high elevation, and overnight rainstorms are pretty common.

Oh, and came across a pic of on of our dogs peaking out, deciding if she wanted to come out or not.. :p


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