Can the Lucky8 LR3 keep up with solid axel rovers ?


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I have said in the past I did not think the LR3 could keep up with a hard core built solid axel Rover. Well friends I am here to say the 3 can hang.

Video link

Ill give you a min to proceed that ..... It took me a few.

That was an LR3 on 35s running stock axles with an open front diff and the quasi factory E locker in the rear keeping up and in some places surpassing fully locked solid axle trucks on 37s.


Thanks for posting that. I am still struggling with the spacer option to keep my rig off the tires if it faults. Did you get any suspension warnings on the bigger boulders? I have only had one issue when going up a large obstacle in Moab.


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Did you get any suspension warnings on the bigger boulders? I have only had one issue when going up a large obstacle in Moab.

The short answer is no.
The long answers involves using a Gap Iid Tool. If yo have the tool I can walk you through how to do this.


I've tried to keep track of the evolution of this build . Can you give us the specifics on what all has been done at this point ? Products used, cutting/trimming, basically what we need to do to run 35's in our lr3's? I know you're using IID tool, proud rhino spacer kit, but else have you done? Great video love to see the lr3 hanging with those bigger trucks


Dammit! For some reason I can't get this to play on my iPhone. After seeing what you did with the P38, I have no doubt you made it happen. It's probably best I don't watch it. I might get that "LRFever" again that was almost financially fatal before.


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I've tried to keep track of the evolution of this build . Can you give us the specifics on what all has been done at this point ? Products used, cutting/trimming, basically what we need to do to run 35's in our lr3's? I know you're using IID tool, proud rhino spacer kit, but else have you done? Great video love to see the lr3 hanging with those bigger trucks

Thank you
I am trying to get caught up with the build thread. We have just been silly busy here.


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Locking into build mode to prevent it from taking sensor readings?

Put it in off road hight. Then lower it back to standard hight. As its dropping lock it build mode and the hight you want. I don't like to wheel it in full off road hight. Even with the SYA kit it is to stiff and you are putting extra strain on the CVs. If you are not using the SYA kit off road mode with lift rods is way to stiff and will cause the truck to hop and bounce when climbing over obstacles.
This is what I do when using the truck on above average trial runs. For green / blue trials I just leave it fully operational in standard hight.
I hope that helps.

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