Can we talk coffee brewing?


Well-known member
What are you using for making coffee? We’ve had two percolators and we end up either waiting forever and/or eating coffee grinds. Any product suggestions?
Dont you put a paper filter into the percolator hopper? I do, and I dont end up with coffe grinds. Get an oversized paper one, fold it over the top as needed. And poke the corners of it down over the stem before putting the cover on. Love percolated coffe


OK, I will chime in. Cold brew all the way with me. I hate hot coffee and always have. Discovered cold canned coffee with flavors and got hooked out on motorcycle tours. Needed something to perk me up and did not like the energy drinks. Now I brew at home in a glass cold brew filter system but for out on the road, we use a plastic one.

When we need a new batch, we start one in the AM. Depending on the days activities, we adjust the time. If we are mobile, we put the container in our sink and pad around it with towels and it gets a good stirring and we put it in another container then into the fridge. Sportsmobile van for reference. Grounds either go in the trash or out in the woods to compost.



New member
I’m going to be one of those guys. It depends on the day, who’s with me, etc. I have a stove top espresso machine, percolator, French press and sometimes pour over. If it’s just me and I’m breaking camp after I have the espresso. If others are with and I’m at camp, I do the percolator. If I’m feeling swanky I’ll do the French press. The bigger issue is the coffee grind size for the method. But that really does not bother me because I’m in the woods, and I spit out grinds that happen to show up in my cup. Or eat them.


Well-known member
What’s the big deal with tossing spent grounds in the woods after camping?
I never knew that was a no no.

I often toss mine into my garden and was taught it was good for the dirt.

I don’t camp so perhaps I was just unaware of this.

I dont know. I compost at home and add coffee grounds to that, so...


The most annoying things about pour-overs for me, is that they don't hold enough... so you have to mess with it... and they often don't fit over just anything.

If any body wants a simple, large, and cheap pour-over system... get a Bunn 20583.0003 Black Plastic Funnel. It has a center drip hole and little tabs on the bottom to keep it in position if you are dripping into a thermos for instance. It's $15.01 on Amazon.

You'll also need filters... BUNN 12-Cup Commercial Coffee Filters, 1000 count, 20115.0000 These are $13.89 on Amazon.


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