Aussie Iron
I said it was being worked on and we are now in production of a new set of gears for the transfer case of our Canter. Hopefully the first ones will be ready by mid May and we will be fitting them to Candy's and My Canter for testing. We have another trip coming up which will be a good test for them.
I'll go into a little detail on what we have achieved :- A 16% increase in high range gearing and a 2% decrease in low range gearing. There will be a mod done to the transfer case to fit them in.
Yes this would make our Canters faster but that is not what we have been looking for. We should be able to get better fuel economy because we are dropping 500 rpm at 100kph. This in fact takes our motors into the power band area (and there's not much of that "power") and at least be able to move with the traffic instead of holding them up. There is a lot of overlap in the gearbox of low and high range and I can not see a problem with having lowered low range. Quite the opposite, it will make it crawl better so we don't beat it over rougher terrain.