So, we put out a request to our neighbors to see if anyone knows who the owner of the unknown white Yota is that ran me off the road - we got one potential license plate which I passed along to the CSP officer and he's exploring that lead.
In the meantime, Sunday was me freaking out that I destroyed my truck. Monday was spent freaking out that had that whole scenario played out *slightly* different, I could have died. Yesterday was spent freaking out that insurance wouldn't cover much/anything/enough.
Basically for some reason my agent didn't have full coverage on the truck (I didn't catch this error, because billing is handled through my dad's company), so liability isn't gonna cover a damn thing. My dad spoke with our agent Monday and discovered we have uninsured/underinsured driver coverage - and the agent informed us that in cases of hit-and-run incidents, which this is classified by per the police report, UID coverage will step in and cover these circumstances. There are some potential loopholes in Colorado in regard to this, but I believe due to the vagueness of the identity of the other driver, those may not apply / or may be dismissed fairly easily.
I called and filed a claim Monday and an adjuster came out to look the truck over yesterday and assess potential repair damages to pass on to the claims specialists who will then determine if moving forward with repair is a valid option, or if it's a total loss. I saw the rough price estimate (adjuster couldn't get exact prices because we don't have cell reception up here), the rough estimate was about $10,500 all said and done - and that's not counting if the frame is bent or if there's more extensive damage to the lower A pillar on the passenger side.
I'm assuming they're going to total it. If so, the adjuster and I spoke and he's going to assess the value of the truck as a stock vehicle, and I'll spend a few days removing everything, and restoring the suspension back to stock, since I still have the leaf springs and shackles, all I'll really need to track down is some old struts, and a set of used tires.
I've compiled a checklist of all my parts, organized by interior / exterior / suspension / mechanical, and once they declare it a total loss, I'll get it towed to the garage, jack it up, and remove everything / replace some things. I still have the old front brakes, since trash hasn't come by yet, so I'll pull the new front pads and rotors; I want to see if I can track down some axle shafts with drum brake assemblies in rougher shape so I can hold on to this set with brand new axle bearings and pads.
If anyone (preferably local) has any of the following sitting around that they can live without for free

or cheap, let me know:
- first gen struts
- 16" truck tires (any size, any condition - as long as it'll mount up and hold air (they said it needs to roll)
- 8" axle shaft assembly (both sides) w/ drum
- not sure what cross-compatibility is with 8" and 8.5" axles, I'm assuming they don't go back and forth...
Sad thing, is I've only had my sliders on for like 2.5 weeks, and there's not really any saving these for another truck