Feeling proud today. We got the cooling system buttoned up and everything working better than expected. But as usual, it didn't go without incident.

While replacing the oil cooler lines with Trailhead 4x4 ones, my wrench slipped and I dented the oil filter housing. We weren't sure if this was going to end in a nightmare scenario where the thing would leak continuously, but so far everything appears to be in order.
Those Trailhead lines are expensive, but they're super high quality and worth the swap if you've got the cash to blow. I wish I could do the same for the other hard lines on the driver side of the radiator.

It all came together so well. We opted to pass on the new condenser fans because the OEM Densos were working just fine and, frankly, I didn't feel like taking on more work than necessary. The radiator slipped right in, the hoses right on, but the fan clutch has become a bit of a question mark. Despite being brand new, it wobbles too much and it's unclear if its from the water pump or if I just didnt attach the clutch to the blades evenly. It works just fine, but its worrisome. Im going to swap another clutch onto it tomorrow to see how it does. I really hope it's not the water pump because that would be a total nightmare.

The time finally came to fire the truck up. We didn't attempt any fancy bleeding procedures, we just kept the radiator and reservoir open, heat on, and engine at idle until there weren't any more bubbles. We closed the radiator, kept the reservoir open, and held the throttle for a bit. This produced a number of big bubbles and eventually brought on the heat. Once we couldn't get anything more out of the reservoir, we capped it and took the truck for a spin.
Wow! What a difference this has made. The vehicle stays cool no matter what you throw at it. Air on full blast, high throttle, long idling, it doesn't matter. I can't say for sure every piece I threw on was needed, but im glad I did it all. Whereas my old temps would hang around low 200s normally without air (it would keep climbing if the air was on), now I never see it above 195 at its highest. And even then, it nearly immediately goes back down to the mid / high 80s.
For reference, I used the following parts:
- Nissen radiator
- Flowcooler high flow water pump
- Mahle fan clutch
- Superstant 180 degree thermostat
- Allisport reservoir
- Trailhead 4x4 oil cooler lines
For coolant, I used PEAK European (Pink) OAT antifreeze. Works well, can't complain. No silica and no phosphates so im a happy camper.
I'll be putting this thing through its paces in Death Valley in just 10 days so let's see how it handles its first big trip.